Covid-19 Zakaj se ne cepiti?


mX's brotherPEPČEK 08
6. avg 2007
Capitale de l'Europe
Doctors often use the drug midodrine (Orvaten) to raise standing blood pressure levels in people with chronic orthostatic hypotension. It works by restricting the ability of your blood vessels to expand, which raises blood pressure.
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3. sep 2007
Kakor za koga. Tudi posledice niso pri vseh enako oz. jasne.
Bom dal drug primer, če imaš visok pritisk, te bodo tablete za višanje pritiska ubile, sosedu, ki ima prenizek pritisk so pa pomagale.
Kaj zdaj, te tablete pomagajo ali škodijo?
če ne en in ne drug brez tablet za pritisk ne preživita, potem pomagajo. rešile so vsaj enega.


2. mar 2010
Ena vesela za vsi na c19 igli

Take it from a little place I call the British government. Which admitted today, in its newest vaccine surveillance report, that:
“N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.” (Page 23)

This means vaccinated people will be far more vulnerable to mutations in the spike protein EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN INFECTED AND RECOVERED ONCE (or more than once, probably).

It also means the virus is likely to select for mutations that go in exactly that direction, because those will essentially give it an enormous vulnerable population to infect. And it probably is still more evidence the vaccines may interfere with the development of robust long-term immunity post-infection.

drugače povedano

So to summarize:

The vaccine stimulates antibodies to the spike protein. This offers protection against infection for a short time and against serious illness for a little longer. The vaccine then allows you to get infected MORE easily.

Once you get infected post vaccination, you often don't get as ill but you also don't develop full immunity so you will continue to get infected in the future. This increased level of infection and the lack of development of full immunity means that the virus will have the perfect opportunity to mutate.

Perhaps most importantly, it means that the virus will always be here, spreading easily in people who never develop immunity to it. So Covid and the government 'emergency' power that goes along with it will remain indefinitely. It is almost like it was planned this way.

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Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

This is evidence that our vaccines may permanently compromise immunity to SARS-2, via Original Antigenic Sin — the phenomenon, long observed in the antibody response to influenza infections, that initial exposure to a pathogen (or a spike protein) shapes all subsequent immune responses to mutated, recombined or reassorted instances of that pathogen. Our Corona vaccines elicit antibodies against the spike protein alone, while natural infection provokes antibodies against other virus proteins as well, including the nucleocapsid or N protein. The broad spectrum of natural immune response is why recovered individuals enjoy much greater and longer-lasting protection, than people who have been merely vaccinated.
The vaccinators have always insisted that there’s nothing to see here. You can get the spike-specific protection of vaccination, they say, and pick up broader-based protection from low-risk natural infection later on. The problem, though, is that the vaccines appear to influence subsequent immune response, focusing antibodies on legacy spike and making it much easier for SARS-2 to escape immune resistance. Potentially for good, and in billions of people.
  • Wow
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10. dec 2007
Anti... sanjajo da bo spomladi konec, sedaj bodo še pri nas delali /polnili covid cepivo. Tole bo trajalo še par let če ne 10+ in anti... so prav dober izgovor za to . Neprecepljenost...
Tako da stopamo.po poti avstralije kjer so jih vse zaprli ker ni dovolj veloma precepljenost.
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20. mar 2013
Pravkar izvedel od frenda starša oba cepljena potizivna.
V podjetju 4rje zbobleli trenutno (eden med njimi jaz) od tega 3-je cepljeni.

Aleleluja cepljenim...zakaj bi se potem cepil.
Tisti ka ste se se spomnite kaj vse so vam obljubljali kako je to cepivo neverjetno!


18. avg 2007
Tako je, ko pametuješ o nečem, kjer ne poznaš niti osnov zakaj se kaj dogaja.


18. avg 2007
Kar se dogaja je to, da cepljeni neomejeno sirijo virus naokoli in po sluzbah, ker pac lahko. Za stevilo okuzb se pa krivi necepljeje.

Tudi mojo znanko je ta teden okuzila cepljena sodelavka.
Cepi se, pa boš še ti lahko :evil:

Tisto, k si ti enkrat na teden pošlataš po nosu, po možnosti še sam, je itak en velik hec in ne pomaga kaj dosti.


20. mar 2013
Cepi se, pa boš še ti lahko :evil:

Tisto, k si ti enkrat na teden pošlataš po nosu, po možnosti še sam, je itak en velik hec in ne pomaga kaj dosti.

Ubistvu če se testiraš sam tako kot piše minuta ena nosnica, minuta druga nosnica potem minuta v tisti rastopini je rezultatat hitrega testiranja kar točen.
Dejansko če se greš tja testirat na hitro testiranje ka te lih malo pošlata so rezultati netočni tako, da bujši da zaprejo vse skupaj in pustijo folk da se prekuži da bo zadeva rešena.
Če bi pustili z vsega zaćetka da se splošna populacija prekuži in zavarovali starejši bi bli že ven iz tega jajca.
Ampak sej vemo kdo nam vlada...diktatorska nesposobna raja, ki tone in tone zmeraj bol.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Cepi se, pa boš še ti lahko :evil:

Tisto, k si ti enkrat na teden pošlataš po nosu, po možnosti še sam, je itak en velik hec in ne pomaga kaj dosti.
Se je sekiram, ampak potem nehajte cepljeni in vlada in stokovnjaki kokodakati, da necepljeni sirijo virus, ker ga sirijo cepljeni. Ampak, ce ga cepljeni, je ocitno ok.

P.s. v povprecju se testiram 3x/teden.
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