v največji demokraciji ni huawei


3. sep 2007
Trump je spet dal izjavo. V nasprotju s svojo prejšnjo izjavo. Tudi ta izjava se lahko interpretira na več načinov, vseeno pa je povsem drugačen ton, kot pri prvi izjavi. Sploh za consumer produkte.

Optiplex komentar? Pokrovke pokrite, lonci odkriti, mleko gre čez, Trump je čez les?
NewYork Times:
In a more surprising move, Mr. Trump backtracked on a ban on sales of American equipment to Huawei, the Chinese telecom giant. “U.S. companies can sell their equipment to Huawei,” Mr. Trump said, explaining that he wanted to help American companies that had complained about the ban
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3. sep 2018
Trump confirms US companies will continue to sell to Huawei

US president Trump made a few very important and surprisingly hopeful announcements regarding the US - Huawei saga at today's G20 summit. In case you haven't been following the recent ban closely, here is a quick refresher course to get you up to speed. But aside from all the complex political and economic concerns, the situation quite simply boils down to major losses and setbacks on all sides. Hence, the extreme backlash, followed by bargaining and delays and more recently, legal loopholes just to keep the delicate economic balance between the US and China.

Well, at the risk of sounding overly hopeful, things might actually be looking up. Without boring you with too much details, here are the main points Trump made at the 2019 G20 summit:
US companies will continue to sell to Huawei
To quote Trump on this one:

These are American companies producing the products. This is complex ... highly scientific. We are the only one with the technology. I have agreed to allow them to continue selling the products … I like our companies selling things to others ... very complex things. These are not things easy to make ... our companies were very upset, but we are allowing them. So if it is not national security issue, we are allowing them to sell.​

Apparently the president finally managed to grasp the full gravity of the situation and the depth of the continued cooperation between China and the US, especially regarding patents and technology.
That being said, however, Trump did mention that further deliberations on a possible trade agreement with Huawei will be conducted a bit later. Most likely next Tuesday. So until then, nothing is really set in stone.

We are leaving Huawei towards the end. We are going to see what we go with the trade agreement.​

Huawei might be taken off the "entity list" entirely
Taking Huawei off the dreaded "entity list", we have been hearing so much about lately, would mean lifting the controversial trade restrictions. However, this would definitely have to be backed-up by a US-Huawei trade deal. Trump noted that he will be discussing all of this with the Commerce Department "tomorrow or Tuesday". Naturally, the next step would be to negotiate with China and most likely directly with president Xi Jinping.

In fact, a meeting between the two leaders already took place during the summit, but did not produce any official agreement. The word "official" might be crucially important here since Trump didn’t shy away from referencing the ZTE US ban from a while ago and the way it got resolved:

I took ZTE off, if you remember. That was a personal deal. President Xi called me and asked me for a personal favor, which I considered very important. His is a leader of a major country... And there are 85,000 employees who were out of business. And he agreed to pay US$1.2 billion penalties and other things including management changes.​

Take that as you will, but it does sound like quite a bit is hanging on the personal relationship between the two leaders, which Trump describes as "tremendous".
The US won't put new tariffs on China imports at this time
This is yet another crucial economic aspect which might depend on the smooth negotiations between Trump and Xi Jinping. As per previous information, the tariffs in question amount to a whopping $300 billion, which Trump had threatened to impose on goods imported from China.

This is yet another aspect of the recent US and China economic turmoil that has come under a lot of fire. Some of the main concerns raised involve taxes and transfer of increased costs likely to impact customers and users more than anyone else.
In any case, we will be keeping a close eye on the situation.


18. avg 2007
Trump je spet dal izjavo. V nasprotju s svojo prejšnjo izjavo. Tudi ta izjava se lahko interpretira na več načinov, vseeno pa je povsem drugačen ton, kot pri prvi izjavi. Sploh za consumer produkte.

Optiplex komentar? Pokrovke pokrite, lonci odkriti, mleko gre čez, Trump je čez les?
NewYork Times:
In a more surprising move, Mr. Trump backtracked on a ban on sales of American equipment to Huawei, the Chinese telecom giant. “U.S. companies can sell their equipment to Huawei,” Mr. Trump said, explaining that he wanted to help American companies that had complained about the ban

Ali pa mizarcek 123 z izjavo:



13. avg 2007
Noben, saj je bila bolečina obojestranska, kar je postalo jasno tudi trumpu.

To temo sem nehal spremljat tam nekje na tretji strani, ker "strokovne analize" genialcev tipa optiplex so enostavno neprebavljive.

Ampak eno so forumski drekači, nekaj čisto drugega pa je, ko taki biseri sedijo na vrhu samsunga recimo. Namreč zgleda da so se pri samsungu udobno vrgli v naslonjače, ustavili kar nekaj inovacij v prepričanju da je s kitajcem konec. No kitajci vmes niso spali. Mate 30 prihaja v velikih korakih



Izključen uporabnik
2. mar 2018
Kitajc bo povečal uvoz hrane iz ZDA medtem ko Trump ne bo zmanjšal carin za kitajski izvoz. Spet zmaga Trumpa.
I had a great meeting with President Xi of China yesterday, far better than expected. I agreed not to increase the already existing Tariffs that we charge China while we continue to negotiate. China has agreed that, during the negotiation, they will begin purchasing large.........amounts of agricultural product from our great Farmers. At the request of our High Tech companies, and President Xi, I agreed to allow Chinese company Huawei to buy product from them which will not impact our National Security. Importantly, we have opened up negotiations.......again with China as our relationship with them continues to be a very good one. The quality of the transaction is far more important to me than speed. I am in no hurry, but things look very good! There will be no reduction in the Tariffs currently being charged to China.


13. avg 2007
Sam te imam sicer na ignore, tako da so mi tvoji prebliski prihranjeni, ampak bi lahko za splošno higieno interneta nehal s tvojimi analizami?


3. sep 2018
Sam te imam sicer na ignore, tako da so mi tvoji prebliski prihranjeni, ampak bi lahko za splošno higieno interneta nehal s tvojimi analizami?
Takih pacijentov kot sta optiflex in 123 pa res ne smeš imet na ignor. Bi bila prevelika škoda zamudit njihove budalaštine.
Jaz jih še posebej spremljam. Ker takih pacijentov pa res ne srečaš vsak dan.


9. sep 2007
Optiflex pa 123, kaj sedaj... Na mojem Honorju mi se vedno dela vse od googla, pa posobobitev je prisla... Al delam kaj narobe mogoce? Al dam zadaj Samsung pa jabuk nalepko za vsak primer?


11. sep 2007
sej updatei in vse bo delal... na novih aparatih bo tezava. sicer bojo pa tud kmalu uredili.
kot 80 z kavo, milko in podobnim pod roko...kako mu že rečete..kriminalca..pedofila..morilca.

softi..sm dolgo časa študiral, amapk sm reku da te moram vprašat....

zakaj pa v našem preljubem sistemu so recimo motorole omejene, težko dostopne? Zakaj recimo ne morem zidoo ja naravnost od kitajcev uvozt, amapk morm iskat njegove desne, leve roke, posledično me več stane? In nenazadnje zakaj ga tu sploh ni? Zaka so Xiaomiji tako zelo omejeni na našem trgu, da o ceni ne govorim? Pa še kaj bi se našlo.......

matra kopija tovjega drugegastavka...gor imamo človeka ki je mrtvo pijan povozu otroka (en od ministrov), imamo ljudi ki so naredili promente nesreče pod vplivom alkota, imamo ljudi ki jih izobrazba je**e , ki rabijajo službene avte pod vplivom alkota... .... ampak važn da onkraj luže nagajajo oz so v komfliktu s Huawejem


19. avg 2007
Xiaomiji se prodajajo na mimovrste recimo, pa v BigBangu. Po moje niso nic omejeni. So pa drazji, kot prek Gearbesta in Banggooda....


19. avg 2007
Pocakaj...Xiaomi se komaj prebija na nas trg. Folk se zmeraj misli, da je to neka vaška tovarna, v resnici pa Xiaomi Mi9 vodi v hitrosti od vseh modelov.


19. avg 2007
Ne, pardon, ni vec na prvem....par tednov nazaj je pa se bil s cca 371000...sedaj je na prvem od Xiaomija Redmi K20 Pro. S10 od Samsunga ima okoli 333.000 tock
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