Michael Jackson le ni bil pedofil


11. sep 2007
tale novica ni pa nikjer drugje še kej dost objavljena... a je čist nepreverjena, al kako?


13. sep 2007
Ni zanimiva...trenutno se ukvarjajo z duhovi, etc...to je "hot news".


2. jun 2009
Sončna Štajerska
Naj bo tako ali drugače, te dni kroži naslednji vic.

Farrah Fawcett je umrla in šla v nebesa. Pa ji dobri bog reče: "Bila si pridna punca; povej, kaj želiš in bom to izpolnil."

- "Dobri bog, rada bi rešila vse otroke sveta!"

Dobri bog malce pomisli, potem ploskne... in M. Jackson obleži mrtev.


PDA maher
22. jul 2007
MB Okoliš
Uporabnik msenjur pravi:
ja sej jest tud načeloma nisem verjel, sam potihem sem ga malo sumil, ker le bil le čudaški s svojo ljubeznijo do otrok...

Po zadnjih novicah, je jacko bil pedofil.
Otroke je počasi opijal z vinom v otroških lončkih, nato pa je sledilo slačenje, fotografiranje, poljubljanje in še kaj.. :bruh:

vir: Slovenske novice in izpoved 4 leta zaposlene Adrian McManus od nekje 1992 do 1996....



11. sep 2007

resnice ne bomo nikol izvedeli. čudno pa je, da noben ta "deček" javno ne pove kaj se je dogajalo. sej zdej so vsi že polnoletni, zreli, ipd...


22. avg 2007
Uporabnik msenjur pravi:

resnice ne bomo nikol izvedeli. čudno pa je, da noben ta "deček" javno ne pove kaj se je dogajalo. sej zdej so vsi že polnoletni, zreli, ipd...
no sej en je povedal, da se ni nič dogajalo. Khmm, a bodo denar zdej vrnili, al se bolj splača še naprej molčati?


13. sep 2007
Ni smrtno bolan.

HIV in AIDS sta dve različni stvari, predlagam uporabo googla.


13. sep 2007
HIV je le virus, če ga imaš še nisi "bolan"..ta virus se potem mora "zalaufat", da zboliš...saj magic ni edini primer človeka, ki ima HIV in je videt "popolnoma OK".


22. avg 2007
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
HIV je le virus, če ga imaš še nisi "bolan"..ta virus se potem mora "zalaufat", da zboliš...saj magic ni edini primer človeka, ki ima HIV in je videt "popolnoma OK".
Ima že dovolj denarja da so zdravniki poskrbeli, da se virus ne zalaufa.


25. avg 2007

Paris Jackson Hospitalized After Attempted Suicide

Paris Jackson was hospitalized Saturday after she attempted suicide -- and family sources tell us it's due in large to the fallout from "Leaving Neverland."

Law enforcement sources tell us police and EMS responded to Paris' LA home at 7:30 AM. We're told Michael Jackson's only daughter slit her wrists. Our sources say she was transported to a hospital and placed on 5150 hold. She's currently in stable condition.

Sources with knowledge tell us Paris did this in direct response to the allegations made against her father in "Leaving Neverland" -- a documentary in which Wade Robson and James Safechuck accuse MJ of molesting them as children.


5. mar 2015
This was a tweet from music executive Clyde Jenkins. This is just some of the stuff this one sided documentary conveniently left out. Anyone can make a documentary and make it look like it’s the whole truth. It’s not.

Wade Robson... you should be ashamed of yourself!!! You and your family befriended the biggest star in the world. I personally recall your mom Joy calling MJJ Music with a sob story about needing money knowing that Michael Jackson loved her and your entire family and would do anything to help her. Michael especially loved you like a son because you dreamed of being a dancer as your mother took you around Australia impersonating who.... Michael Jackson.

Your family moved to the United States leaving your father behind and Michael gave you a record deal as part of a rap duo named QUO! It FAILED!!!

Michael Set you up with his niece Brandi and you guys were together for several years... until you CHEATED with other woman several Times.... she left you!

You still remained in the Jackson Circle.... Why? Because it opened doors for you being associated with Michael Jackson and his family.

That association with Michael Jackson afforded you the opportunity to befriend such artist as Justin Timberlake and Brittany Spears... and what did you do...You started working with Justin as a Choreographer and then slept with his girlfriend Brittany Spears and was FIRED. Justin then wrote a song about it called "Cry Me A River". And yet you called Justin your FRIEND!!!

You used your association with Michael Jackson to befriend PRINCE and Mayte.... and what did you do.... You slept with HER!!! Some friend you are!!

You use your association with Michael Jackson to get yourself a gig on a television dance show.... word gets out about your previous disregard and loyalty toward high profile celebrities... and what happens.... you get CUT from that show.

Michael Jackson plans his THIS IS IT concert and you BEG to be the choreographer for the show.... Michael Chooses another Choreographer.... what do you do now that your web of lies are catching up with you and you are now Hollywood damaged goods.... You turn on the one man who looked out for you and your family your ENTIRE life and make up child abuse/molestation allegations that you have emphatically stated for many many years....NEVER HAPPENED!!

Fast forward to today... Michael Jackson is sadly NO LONGER with us. You now beg Michaels Nephew Taj Jackson for VIP access to Michael Jacksons funeral for YOU and your entire family. yet you claim this monster molested you...Sick.

You are now considered a home wrecking, disloyal individual and is essentially blackballed from Hollywood. What do you do? Because You know the world knows you are associated with Michael Jackson.... you use that association once again to change your LIFE LONG STORY to now claim... Michael Jackson molested you. Why? because you are BROKE and your wife is demanding you start making money or she will leave you.

You now convince another broke kid from Michaels past (Pepsi commercial) to join you in a frivolous lawsuit against Michael Jacksons Estate for 100's of Millions of dollars. The courts agree that there is no merit to this lawsuit and dismiss it!!

The Jackson family never fight back when people say disparaging things about their family. Mrs. Jackson once told me when i questioned her about this... she replied "because DIRT sinks and CREAM rises"

Wade knows this to be true as well.... so what does he do? He and James Safechuck concoct a story so salacious, so scandalous so despicable, and presents it to HBO for a one sided EXPLOSIVE televised documentary of LIES... in hopes that the Michael Jackson BILLION DOLLAR ESTATE will settle with you financially to make this documentary go away.

Well that documentary of LIES will air this weekend.... and unlike the Jackson's past... this new generations of Jackson kids are not having it!! they are suing HBO for airing your lying ass!!

I hope when this is all said and done, the estate counter sues YOU in civil court and WIN! I hope it renders you penniless for the rest of your life. Michael Jackson was good to YOU, your mother Joy and your sister Chantel.... and because your gravy train has run out... THIS is how you repay him. You are a sad excuse for a human being!!!

Sorry for this long post... but knowing what i know I just couldn't be silent.

For any of you who thought Michael Jackson was strange... I get it... because there is no one else on earth to compare him to. Yes, there are other child stars who grew up to "blend in" to society...and i get it... But when you are Michael Jackson and the only thing on earth that is more recognizable than you is the yellow "M" at McDonalds..... that in itself is "Strange!"

Anyways.... i say... boycott the documentary... and if you MUST WATCH... know that you now know the basis of the scandalous lies contained within the documentary!

Let that man rest in PEACE!!!

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7. jun 2017
Sources with knowledge tell us Paris did this in direct response to the allegations made against her father in "Leaving Neverland" -- a documentary in which Wade Robson and James Safechuck accuse MJ of molesting them as children.
Oni navedeni pripovedno-izpovedni dokumentarec z letošnjega Sundance Festivala pa si le poglejte, če ga kje na "travniku" najdete, čeprav je v dveh delih po 2h !!! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9573980/

Jaz sem si ga v celoti, ko je še bil prejšnji teden na YT (seveda zdaj že odstranjen zaradi CopyRight-a) in dobro prikaže mentaliteto , psihologijo in pokvarjeno in manipulativno človeško stran prebogatega "WackoJacko" "Kralja pop" -a ("Troubled Genius"-a), ki so mu starši v bistvu uničili otroštvo in ga naredili posledično za kasneje dolgoletnega serijskega pedofila !!! Fama + Bogastvo mu je pa te perverzije zelo olajšalo in spodbujalo. Pa mislim, da je marsikdo v njegovem ožjem krogu vedel za te zadeve a so prikrivali ali se še kateri sami "omastili" zraven. Javnost pa seveda ne ...

To ne pomeni, da ni bil glasbeni genij in meni je sicer zelo všeč njegova glazba, ni mi pa bila všeč vsa ta Fan in drugačna histerija okoli njega ... je bil pač slaven in Fan-i so neke vrste verniki.

Jest celo mislim, da je celo svoje otroke zlorabljal, saj se mi zdi, da so kot otroci delovali malce "preplašeno in terorizirano".
Enako mislim, da so njegove tri poroke/ločitve bile samo show za mase (PR image) in možno celo, da ni nikoli spal s pravo žensko, otroke pa je "kupil" oz. "najel maternice" mater svojih otrok in igro. Masa keša čuda dela! ... Laži pa tudi ! Glasbene korporacije pa veselo sodelovale pri tem, ker so vsi imeli koristi od njega do zadnjih časov, ko je trošil več kot je prinesel ...

Če malce pogledate nekatere naslove njegovih albumov in pesmi ter texte tudi od prej, utegnete dobiti občutek, da se je vsaj podzavestno zavedal tega, da počne pizdarije in nedovoljene stvari, pa se te svoje zasvojenosti z otroci-dečki !!! ni mogel rešiti. Tako je tudi veliko dajal za razne dobrodelne sklade - mogoče občutek krivde? Pogost sindrom ultrabogatih.
Je bil pač malce, khm, psihično bolan in nestabilen osebek, tudi sam zlorabljan v otroštvu za ambicije svojega fotra in šibko materjo. Je dosti takšnih umetnikov bilo v zgodovini že, le pedofilov ne v tej meri toliko. Tudi njegovi otroci so IMHO "poškodovani" mentalno, vsaj tako zgleda ... Polna rit pa samomor (kao zaradi nekega dokumentarca) ? Ma bejžte no ...

Tudi njegova smrt meni diši po nekakšni "zaroti" ... Čisto možno je, da so njegovemu prijatlu zdravniku (oni črni obsojeni, zdaj že na prostosti) nastavili med zalogo eno flaškico Propofola z malo "močnejšo" koncentracijo anestetika in samo čakali, da se zgodi overdose. Lahko da tudi oni črni doktor ni bil kriv, samo pa so ga nehote? zatolkli kot žrtveno jagnje. In se ni zavedal, kaj se bo zgodilo ... Namena uboja mu niso dokazali ... Skrivnosti, skrivnosti ... nekatere nikoli ne pridejo na plano ...

Šef Sony Musical Division-a (bivši mož Mariah Carey) je pa baje tudi zelo vpliven oblasten in pokvarjen tip ... in je IMHO dobro vedel, da bi bil MJ zadnje čase več vreden mrtev kot živ ...

.... Lahko, pa da se motim ... mogoče pa res, o mrtvih vse najbolje ... lahko pa tudi ne ... :zavijazocmi:

... sem se pač moral malce oglasiti tu po dolgem času ...
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