Pfizer doing SARS-COV2 Gain of Function


2. mar 2010
Po podatkih Eurostata - službe Evropske komisije za statistiko - so cca 30% presežno smrtnost v mnogih članicah EU zaznali (julij) leta 2022 in sicer z ozirom na letno povprečje 2016 - 2019 in ne na leto 1970.

Največja presežna smrtnost je bila s 56% na Islandiji, kjer bi težko kdo umrl od vročine, kot namiguje članek**, saj do sedaj najvišja izmerjena temperatura v glavnem mestu Reykjavik znaša 24,8 °C (11. avgusta 2004).

Hrvaški poslanec evropskega parlamenta Miroslav Kolakušić se ravno o tem sprašuje ali bi lahko bil vzrok za presežne smrti tudi kje drugje razen v namigujočem segrevanju ozračja:



2. jul 2020
Največja presežna smrtnost je bila s 56% na Islandiji, kjer bi težko kdo umrl od vročine, kot namiguje članek**, saj do sedaj najvišja izmerjena temperatura v glavnem mestu Reykjavik znaša 24,8 °C (11. avgusta 2004).

Ne glede kako obračaš, pojdi sedaj na Islandijo. Ti boš imel oblečeno bundo, oni te bodo začudeno gledali v kraktih rokavih. Jaz sem v Dubaju crkoval od vročine, Bangladešarji so pa v parku igrali odbojko.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

Excess Deaths in the United Kingdom: Midazolam and Euthanasia in the COVID-19 Pandemic​

Midazolam se menda daje ob ventilaciji pacientov.

The extraordinary spike in UK excess deaths in April 2020 was not
due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, because there were relatively few
infections and there was no “high consequence infectious disease”,
as ocially declared in March 2020.
The UK COVID-19 pandemic was iatrogenic, created with
widespread and persistent use of Midazolam injections in all
regions of England, particularly in care homes, under a systemic
policy of euthanasia. The nature of the euthanasia needs further
Statistically, Midazolam injections were highly correlated with UK
excess deaths throughout the pandemic, overwhelming COVID-19
disease or vaccination as other possible explanations for excess
Midazolam was the common proximal cause of excess deaths in
the pandemic, but there were likely many other primary causes
including comorbidities, infections and vaccination. The data
available are not sucient to measure the precise impact of
vaccination on excess deaths.
Vaccination was unlikely to have saved many, if any, lives
because the unreliable early data grossly exaggerated COVID
deaths, inating the extent of the SARS-CoV-2 threat which was
subsequently assumed and projected in computer models which
created illusory benets.
Most global investigations of COVID-19 epidemiology, only
based on the relative impacts of COVID disease and vaccination,
are probably inaccurate, because their assumptions are generally
false due to the signicant presence of confounding factors in
some countries, such as the UK.

Propofol (P) and midazolam (M) are frequently given by continuous infusion for sedation in critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients.

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