Zamuda leta in odškodnina


18. jul 2007
Kakor vem se šteje kdaj je bil avion v zraku in ne kdaj si bil na destinaciji. Ne bom pa 100% trdil.

Mislim pa, da se da za 6 let nazaj iztržit.

Nimaš prv (šrio prvem delu), sta pa zamuda pri odhodu in prihodu različni tvari.

If your flight is delayed at departure, you have the right to assistance, to reimbursement and a return flight, depending on the duration of the delay and the distance of the flight.

If you arrived at your final destination with a delay of more than 3 hours, you are entitled to compensation, unless the delay was due to extraordinary circumstances.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Peror


20. jul 2007
za šankom
A ima kdo kaksen link za odskodnino pri LH?

Saj ni tako težko no, če se ti pa ne da, pa lahko še vedno predaš situacijo firmam, ki se s tem ukvarjajo in ti potem odvzamejo določen procent


1. feb 2008

How can we help you? / Please select topic in nato 'flight disruptions'

Zahtevaj tudi pisno obrazložitev razloga za zamudo. Nekatere zamude res niso njihova krivda, moraš pa to imeti napisano v primeru, da se pritožiš na odgovor.

Za info, takole izgleda odgovor od Turkisha: (brez kompliciranja)

TK-2755059 #S1-5452394# Regarding Your Feedback
First of all, we apologize for the adverse effect of the change in your flight on your travel plan.

We have conducted the necessary investigation in relation to your feedback and found out that the TK1064 Ljubljana/İstanbul flight dated 25th of August, 2019 was delayed 1 hour and 37 minutes; 6 minutes due to air traffic control capacity and 1 hour and 31 minutes due to late arrival of aircraft due to delay in departure thereof at the previous station. Accordingly, you missed your connecting flight and your travel was conducted in the TK0096 Istanbul/Jeddah flight operated later that day through the transaction made on your ticket.

In hope of indemnifying the irregularity you had, we can issue a return check valued at 600 Euros. Alternatively, we can offer you 720 Euros as a traveler's check to be used for ticket purchasing, ticket change, excess baggage, and paid seat payments on Turkish Airlines flights only.

Therefore, if you inform us of your preference, we carry out the necessary processes and give you information as soon as possible.

We kindly submit for your information and wish to host you better in your future travels.

Yours sincerely,

Mehmet D.
Customer Representative

Customer Communication Center
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: gas


23. jul 2007

Saj ni tako težko no, če se ti pa ne da, pa lahko še vedno predaš situacijo firmam, ki se s tem ukvarjajo in ti potem odvzamejo določen procent
No linka od Lh pa se zmeraj nisi dal… firme pa poznam.


23. jul 2007

How can we help you? / Please select topic in nato 'flight disruptions'

Zahtevaj tudi pisno obrazložitev razloga za zamudo. Nekatere zamude res niso njihova krivda, moraš pa to imeti napisano v primeru, da se pritožiš na odgovor.

Za info, takole izgleda odgovor od Turkisha: (brez kompliciranja)

TK-2755059 #S1-5452394# Regarding Your Feedback
First of all, we apologize for the adverse effect of the change in your flight on your travel plan.

We have conducted the necessary investigation in relation to your feedback and found out that the TK1064 Ljubljana/İstanbul flight dated 25th of August, 2019 was delayed 1 hour and 37 minutes; 6 minutes due to air traffic control capacity and 1 hour and 31 minutes due to late arrival of aircraft due to delay in departure thereof at the previous station. Accordingly, you missed your connecting flight and your travel was conducted in the TK0096 Istanbul/Jeddah flight operated later that day through the transaction made on your ticket.

In hope of indemnifying the irregularity you had, we can issue a return check valued at 600 Euros. Alternatively, we can offer you 720 Euros as a traveler's check to be used for ticket purchasing, ticket change, excess baggage, and paid seat payments on Turkish Airlines flights only.

Therefore, if you inform us of your preference, we carry out the necessary processes and give you information as soon as possible.

We kindly submit for your information and wish to host you better in your future travels.

Yours sincerely,

Mehmet D.
Customer Representative

Customer Communication Center
Hvala…. Veter je bil razlog… tako da se pustim presenetiti