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Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money, Trump won’t be allowed to win (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE)

In a 2014 email made public by Assange’s WikiLeaks last month, Hillary Clinton, who had served as secretary of state until the year before, urges John Podesta, then an advisor to Barack Obama, to “bring pressure” on Qatar and Saudi Arabia, “which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL [Islamic State, IS, ISIS] and other radical Sunni groups.”

“I think this is the most significant email in the whole collection,” Assange, whose whistleblowing site released three tranches of Clinton-related emails over the past year, told Pilger in an exclusive interview, courtesy of Dartmouth Films.

“All serious analysts know, and even the US government has agreed, that some Saudi figures have been supporting ISIS and funding ISIS, but the dodge has always been that it is some “rogue” princes using their oil money to do whatever they like, but actually the government disapproves. But that email says that it is the government of Saudi Arabia, and the government of Qatar that have been funding ISIS.”


10. maj 2014

Trump Will Fire Up Military Stocks

Donald Trump is seen as the hawk of the 2016 presidential campaign, promising to expand America’s military and increase defense spending. As a result, a Trump presidency should be a welcome sign for the companies that supply the U.S. military with weaponry, technology and more, analysts say.


The Republican nominee plans to ask Congress to scrap the budget cuts mandated by sequestration, which took effect in 2013. The real-estate mogul also intends to have an active Army of 540,000 troops, among other gains in personnel, and invest in missile defense systems. The numbers were presented during a September speech focusing on national security policies.

CFRA Research analyst Jim Corridore said Trump would likely pursue more investments in surveillance, but his primary focus will be military firepower. That means contractors building armored vehicles, tanks, ships and aircraft would fare better if Trump wins.


Trump is calling for allies to commit more funding for military services, particularly those provided by the U.S. The move would perhaps offset some of the growth in America’s defense budget under a Trump administration. Just five of NATO’s 28 members currently follow the alliance’s guidelines for military spending at 2% of GDP.


CFRA noted that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, is also seen as “quite hawkish.” Her primary focus would likely be on different areas of defense, such as drones, surveillance and intelligence.

Still, Clinton’s pursuit of other domestic programs would mean overall defense spending is unlikely to increase significantly, CFRA surmised.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Establishment dela vse, da Trump ne bi zmagal. Tudi inscinira nasilje, za katerega potem obtoži Trupma:



Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Russia demands Washington explain after reports say US military hacked into Russian networks

Russia expects Washington to provide an explanation after a report claimed that Pentagon cyber-offensive specialists have hacked into Russia’s power grids, telecommunications networks, and the Kremlin's command systems for a possible sabotage.

“If no official reaction from the American administration follows, it would mean state cyberterrorism exists in the US. If the threats of the attack, which were published by the US media, are carried out, Moscow would be justified in charging Washington,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said, according to the ministry's website.

NBC News said earlier in an exclusive report that US military hackers have penetrated crucial infrastructure in Russia, “making them vulnerable to attack by secret American cyber weapons should the US deem it necessary.”


Lesna Goba
5. dec 2007
Vrjetno je bila kaka mehiška pa ni znala anglešk. Tko je bila vsebina najbolj varna.