Zakaj USA niso (več) najboljša država na svetu


6. sep 2007
A dej ne no, kere fore


22. jul 2007
Uporabnik Rsk pravi:
Mogoče glih ne sodi sem, ampak vseeno:
Ivan Pernar v Hrvaškem parlamentu

Sama resnica, katero "skrajni levičarji" vztrajno zanikajo...

Če se da komu brat, je spodaj opisana malo čudna zgodovina Clintonovih, malo spooky...sploh glede bodyguardov.

And in case you have forgotten: Just a quick refresher course ‘lest we forget’ what has happened to many “friends” of the Clintons.

1- James McDougal – Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.
2 – Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown .. The murder happened just after she was togo public w:th her story of sexual harassment in the White House.
3 – Vince Foster – Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruleda suicide.
4 – Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the air Traffic controller commited suicide.
5 – C. Victor Raiser, II – Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.
6 – Paul Tulley – Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotelroom in Little Rock , September 1992. Described by Clinton as a “dear friend and trusted advisor”.
7 – Ed Willey – Clinton fundraiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.
8 – Jerry Parks – Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock .. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.
9 – James Bunch – Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a “Black Book” of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas
10 – James Wilson – Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater..
11 – Kathy Ferguson – Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.
12 – Bill Shelton – Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee.
13 – Gandy Baugh – Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.
14 – Florence Martin – Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas, airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.
15 – Suzanne Coleman – Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.
16 – Paula Grober – Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.
17 – Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. Investigating MenaAirport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation.
18 – Paul Wilcher - Attorney investigating corruption at MenaAirport with Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993, in his WashingtonDC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.
19 – Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington , Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.
20 – Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.
21 – Charles Meissner – Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.
22 – Dr. Stanley Heard – Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton ‘s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.
23 – Barry Seal – Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no accident.
24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.
25 – Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released.
26 – Hershell Friday – Attorney and Clinton fundraiser died March 1, 1994, when his plane exploded.
27 – Kevin Ives & Don Henry – Known as “The boys on the track” case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.

28 – Keith Coney – Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck, 7/88.
29 – Keith McMaskle – Died, stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988
30 – Gregory Collins – Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.
31 – Jeff Rhodes – He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989.
32 – James Milan – Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to natural causes”.
33 – Jordan Kettleson – Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990.
34 – Richard Winters – A suspect in the Ives/Henry deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery July 1989.

35 – Major William S. Barkley, Jr.
36 – Captain Scott J . Reynolds
37 – Sgt. Brian Hanley
38 – Sgt. Tim Sabel
39 – Major General William Robertson
40 – Col. William Densberger
41 – Col. Robert Kelly
42 – Spec. Gary Rhodes
43 – Steve Willis
44 – Robert Williams
45 – Conway LeBleu
46 – Todd McKeehan

Quite an impressive list!
The public must become aware of what happens to friends of the Clintons!


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Kaj ima veze?

Cel demokratski establishment stoji za Clintonovo mafijo. To ima veze.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
No, Bernie Sanders se je potegoval kot demokrat, imel pa je popolnoma levicarska stalisca.


10. maj 2014
Fin video, sicer samo po sebi nič novega, ampak lepo predstavi, kako nore so njegove zunanjepolitične ideje in kaka norišnica sledi, če bi jih res uveljavil.

Ampak vseeno vse ostale preglasijo HC=WW3 trolčki. Zanimivo bi bilo pogledat, kako je prišlo do lansiranja tega mema. Zadeva močno spominja na medijsko fobijo pred ukrofašisti, medtem ko so Novorusijo gradili (tudi) RNUjevci.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
No, tukaj je tema o USA. Temo o Ukrajini in Rusiji imaš nekje drugje.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Zdaj je Assange lahko povedal, da vir ni Rusija, ker iz sledečega posnetka vidimo, da so vir Podestinih emailov ameriške obveščevalne službe:

Saj ne, da so leakali tudi sam email, s katerim so vdrli v podestin račun,

It wasn’t technical; there wasn’t a big security breach on Google’s servers. In short, someone tricked Podesta into giving them his password, he didn’t have two-factor authentication set up as an additional check, and the campaign’s IT team led him astray. Thanks to WikiLeaks, we now know how it happened:

On March 19, Podesta received an email from “” — a user falsely posing as Google, notifying Podesta that his password had been compromised by someone in Ukraine. The email provided a link to change the password.

ki vdor poveže s fancy bearom

The first piece of evidence is the shortened URL that Podesta erroneously clicked on that redirected him to a phony Google page where he likely submitted his password, a tactic known as spear-phishing. This truncated link, it turns out, was one of 12,000 created and used by Fancy Bear to target 5,000 individual Google email addresses from March 2015 to May 2016. But those attacks were too broad and voluminous to be done manually. Fancy Bear made a program that automatically generated the attacking links and fed them through the popular URL-shortening service

The firm SecureWorks, which has been tracking the hacker group for the last year, found that each of the slim URLs in question was created by one of the accounts belonging to the hacker group -- but Fancy Bear forgot to make two of them private. That let SecureWorks see many links they'd created, and when the firm figured out how to decode the automatically created URL, they found that each contained the target's email address. By decoding each link created by the accounts, they found a list of targets, giving the firm a macro view of the group's extensive and varied spear-phishing campaigns, which included addresses in Ukraine, the Baltics, the United States, China, and Iran, according to Esquire.

SecureWorks built a target portfolio to see who Fancy Bear was working for. Lo and behold, the addresses attacked included a host of military, political, and government leaders in Ukraine, Georgia and other former Soviet states. They also sent spear-phishing emails to NATO military attachés, diplomatic and military personnel from the US and Europe, and critics of the Russian government from around the world. The pieces started to fit together as the firm identified more similarities between the previous hacks and those targeting Podesta, other members of Clinton's campaign staff and the DNC. Namely, the malware and server infrastructure supporting it are unique, acting like calling cards for Fancy Bear, according to SecureWorks' Senior Security Researcher Tom Finney.

"The link to Fancy Bear is very firm, germane to the structures they used before. We track these groups by the toolsets they use, the malware they use because they tend to have bespoke sets of malware that's only used by one group. That tends to be quite discrete, so you can say that if this malware is being used, it's being used by this group," said Finney.
