Lepote multikulturnosti 4


22. nov 2009
V članku nič ne omenjajo, da bi bili pretepeni žaljivi ali nastrojeni do migrantov.


22. nov 2009
Torej so bili mladci desnopopulistični: "Številne pravice ljudi in njihova osnova varnost so ogrožene. Želim si, da se ljudje opogumijo in zoperstavijo tistim, ki jih opogumlja vzpon desnega populizma, ki je po mojem mnenju odgovoren za stopnjevanje zločinov iz sovraštva," pravi Chris.
Enako, kot vsi napadi v zadnjih nekaj letih po Evropi


6. sep 2007
Lepo, da še obstajajo ljudje, ki vidijo večjo sliko. Zabavno, da so to zdaj Zulujci. Thumbs up :zmaga:

South Africa’s Zulu nation joins white farmers in fight against government land seizures
The largest ethnic group in South Africa, Zulu, has spoken out against the expropriation of land without compensation in the country. Zulu is ready to cooperate with the country's white farmers, known as Afrikaners or Boers.
Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini has said the group will cooperate with South African minority rights group AfriForum.
“The Zulu nation I’m talking about will not exist if we don’t have food. That’s why I say farmers must come closer so that we discuss what we can do when we talk about agriculture and the availability of enough food in the land. That’s why I’m asking AfriForum of the Boers to come and help us,” Zwelithini said, as quoted by eNews Channel Africa.
Because when government started talking about the appropriation of land, expropriation without compensation, Boers downed tools. There is no food in South Africa,” he added.
Zulu people are the largest ethnic group in South Africa, with an estimated 10-12 million people living mainly in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. The group accounts for more than a fifth of the country’s population and its opinion is important in the context of the general elections next year.

“Anyone who wants to be voted for and elected by us, I’m going to talk now, anyone who wants to be elected by us must come and kneel here and commit that I will never touch your land,” the Zulu King said.
While kings have no official power in modern South Africa, they still have the loyalty of millions of people and are recognized in the constitution as traditional leaders.
The land expropriation program run by President Cyril Ramaphosa is designed to redistribute land to poor black people to tackle severe inequality 24 years after the end of apartheid. It mostly involves lands owned by Boers, whites primarily of Dutch descent. However, the program has aroused discontent among the Zulus, too.
The Zulu King said he is waiting for a meeting with the president. “He (Ramaphosa) must come here... and say it, write it down in an agreement and sign off that the land of the Zulus will not be touched,” Zwelithini said.

Konec citata. Vir: https://www.rt.com/business/440807-zulu-king-south-africa-land/


25. avg 2007
kavarna piran.png

Ne vem, zakaj gospod Česenj zahaja v lokale, ki so na tako slabem glasu.


5. nov 2018
Lepo, da še obstajajo ljudje, ki vidijo večjo sliko. Zabavno, da so to zdaj Zulujci. Thumbs up :zmaga:

South Africa’s Zulu nation joins white farmers in fight against government land seizures
The largest ethnic group in South Africa, Zulu, has spoken out against the expropriation of land without compensation in the country. Zulu is ready to cooperate with the country's white farmers, known as Afrikaners or Boers.
Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini has said the group will cooperate with South African minority rights group AfriForum.
“The Zulu nation I’m talking about will not exist if we don’t have food. That’s why I say farmers must come closer so that we discuss what we can do when we talk about agriculture and the availability of enough food in the land. That’s why I’m asking AfriForum of the Boers to come and help us,” Zwelithini said, as quoted by eNews Channel Africa.
Because when government started talking about the appropriation of land, expropriation without compensation, Boers downed tools. There is no food in South Africa,” he added.
Zulu people are the largest ethnic group in South Africa, with an estimated 10-12 million people living mainly in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. The group accounts for more than a fifth of the country’s population and its opinion is important in the context of the general elections next year.

“Anyone who wants to be voted for and elected by us, I’m going to talk now, anyone who wants to be elected by us must come and kneel here and commit that I will never touch your land,” the Zulu King said.
While kings have no official power in modern South Africa, they still have the loyalty of millions of people and are recognized in the constitution as traditional leaders.
The land expropriation program run by President Cyril Ramaphosa is designed to redistribute land to poor black people to tackle severe inequality 24 years after the end of apartheid. It mostly involves lands owned by Boers, whites primarily of Dutch descent. However, the program has aroused discontent among the Zulus, too.
The Zulu King said he is waiting for a meeting with the president. “He (Ramaphosa) must come here... and say it, write it down in an agreement and sign off that the land of the Zulus will not be touched,” Zwelithini said.

Konec citata. Vir: https://www.rt.com/business/440807-zulu-king-south-africa-land/

Zulujci že vejo. Oni so isti kot Buri: priseljenci s severa, ki so napadli kraljevine na jugu Afrike, okupirali njihovo zemljo, ljudi pobili, ostale pa so si podredili. In to ne tako zelo dolgo preden so Buri njim naredili isto. A zaradi politične korektnosti se Bure smatra za pritepence, Zuluje pa za domačine, čeprav to dejansko niso. In tiste kraljevine, ki so jih Zulujii uničili, so predhodno terorizirale sosedne pokrajine. Kako se zgodovina ponavlja! Ti ubogi, nedolžni Afričani, ki niso nikomur skrivili lasu.

Ampak Zuluje je vsaj toliko srečala pamet, da nočejo ponovitve Zimbabveja, ker se zavedajo, od kje prihaja njihov vsakdanji kruh.


25. avg 2007
Član stranke hrvaških Srbov podlegel poškodbam, Plenković ostro obsodil nasilje

Petkovića je aprila pred lokalom v Viškovu brutalno pretepel Ilija Glavić, ki je kazensko ovaden zaradi povzročitve hudih telesnih poškodb in se nahaja v reškem priporu. Pred pretepom naj bi med moškima prišlo do prepira, ko je Petković zapustil lokal, pa je Glavić odšel za njim in ga večkrat udaril s pestjo v glavo, tudi ko je žrtev že nezavestna ležala na tleh, so aprila poročali hrvaški mediji. V srbski skupnosti na reškem območju so prepričani, da je šlo za zločin iz sovraštva, ker naj bi bil napadalec znan po svoji nestrpnosti do Srbov.

Medtem je splitska policija prijela dva fanta, ki sta v nedeljo popoldne s skupino od 15 do 20 somišljenikov v Supetru na otoku Brač napadla štiri sezonske delavce, potem ko so žrtve spraševali: "Kje so Srbi?". Med pretepenimi delavci, ki so jih napadli, medtem ko so se vračali z dela, so bili dekle in trije mlajši moški, med katerimi naj bi bila dva hrvaška državljana srbske narodnosti z območja Vukovarja.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
:) samo opazujem tvoj (oz bolje od "vas" nekateri skupen) modus operandi.....pojma ne vem kakšno preteklost ima model...ampak ker je očitno povedal neko dejstvo ki se ne poklapa z tem kar so te učili na FDV moraš najti neko maslo da ga namažeš po njem...

Tematika ki jo obravnava me zanima zanima že vrsto let...in po prebranih zadevah in ogledanih dokumentarcih se bojim da ima kar prav.....