Covid-19 Cepiva


10. feb 2008
Glede cepljenja.
V USA že vrste za odhod v evropo za tiste, ki so cepljeni.
Kovačeva kobila pa še zmerom bosa!


18. avg 2007
Kako se oklepaš vsake novice...

Ej, dejmo še malo za drugo stran. Tko 100% potrjene stranske efekte

Ivermectin side effects​

Ivermectin oral tablet may cause drowsiness. It can also cause other side effects.

More common side effects​

The side effects of this drug depend on the condition being treated.

The more common side effects of this drug when it’s used to treat intestinal infections include:

  • tiredness
  • loss of energy
  • stomach pain
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • dizziness
  • sleepiness or drowsiness
  • itchiness
The more common side effects of this drug when it’s used to treat skin and eye infections include:

  • joint pain and swelling
  • swollen and tender lymph nodes
  • itching
  • rash
  • fever
  • eye problems
If these effects are mild, they may go away within a few days or a couple of weeks. If they’re more severe or don’t go away, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Serious side effects​

Call your doctor right away if you have serious side effects. Call 911 if your symptoms feel life-threatening or if you think you’re having a medical emergency. Serious side effects and their symptoms can include the following:

  • Pain in your neck and back
  • Serious eye problems. Symptoms can include:
    • redness
    • bleeding
    • swelling
    • pain
    • loss of vision
  • Shortness of breath
  • Inability to control urination
  • Inability to control bowel movements
  • Trouble standing or walking
  • Confusion
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Low blood pressure, especially when you get up after sitting or lying down. Symptoms can include:
    • lightheadedness
    • dizziness
    • fainting
  • Severe skin reactions. Symptoms can include:
    • severe rash
    • redness
    • blistering skin
    • peeling skin
  • Liver damage. Symptoms can include:
    • tiredness
    • nausea
    • vomiting
    • loss of appetite
    • pain on the right side of your stomach
    • dark urine
    • yellowing of your skin or the whites of your eyes
  • Allergy warning​

    Ivermectin can cause a severe allergic reaction. Symptoms can include:
    • trouble breathing
    • swelling of your throat or tongue
    • skin rash
  • If you develop these symptoms, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

    Don’t take this drug again if you’ve ever had an allergic reaction to it. Taking it again could be fatal (cause death).

    Warnings for people with certain health conditions​

    For people with asthma: This drug may make your asthma worse. Ask your doctor if this drug is safe for you.

    For people with liver problems: If you have liver problems or a history of liver issues, this drug may cause more harm to your liver. Also, you may not be able to process this drug well. This may increase the levels of the drug in your body and cause more side effects. Ask your doctor if this drug is safe for you.

    For people with seizures: This drug may cause seizures. Ask your doctor if this drug is safe for you.

    For people with HIV: If you have HIV or a condition where your immune system doesn’t work as well as it should, one dose of this drug may not be enough to treat your parasitic infection. You may need several treatments with this drug.

    Warnings for other groups​

    For pregnant women:Ivermectin is a category C pregnancy drug. That means two things:
    1. Research in animals has shown adverse effects to the fetus when the mother takes the drug.
    2. There haven’t been enough studies done in humans to be certain how the drug might affect the fetus.
  • Talk to your doctor if you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant. This drug should only be used if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk.

    If you become pregnant while taking this drug, call your doctor right away.

  • For women who are breastfeeding:Ivermectin passes into breast milk and may cause side effects in a child who is breastfed. Talk to your doctor if you breastfeed your child. You may need to decide whether to stop breastfeeding or stop taking this medication.

    For seniors: Your liver may not work as well as it used to. This can cause your body to process drugs more slowly. As a result, more of this drug can stay in your body for a longer time. This raises your risk of side effects.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: BornSkeptic


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Kaksna je to strategija cepljenja, ko poznam tri prebolevnike, ki se bodo ta teden cepili s Pfizerjem, med tem, ko nepreboleni se kar cakajo na cepljenje?


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007


A comprehensive analysis of adverse events during clinical trials and over the course of mass vaccinations with the Sputnik V vaccine showed that there were no cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST).
All vaccines based on adenoviral vector platform are different and not directly comparable. In particular, AstraZeneca’s ChAdOx1-S vaccine uses chimpanzee adenovirus to deliver the antigen, consisting of S-protein combined with leader sequence of tissue-type plasminogen activator. The vaccine from Johnson&Johnson uses human adenovirus serotype Ad26 and full-length S-protein stabilized by mutations. In addition, it is produced using the PER.C6 cell line (embryonic retinal cells), which is not widely represented among other registered products.
Sputnik V is a two-component vaccine in which adenovirus serotypes 5 and 26 are used. A fragment of tissue-type plasminogen activator is not used, and the antigen insert is an unmodified full-length S-protein. Sputnik V vaccine is produced with the HEK293 cell line, which has long been safely used for the production of biotechnological products.
Thus, all of the above vaccines based on adenoviral vectors have significant differences in their structure and production technology. Therefore, there is no reason and no justification to extrapolate safety data from one vaccine to safety data from other vaccines.
The quality and safety of Sputnik V are, among other things, assured by the fact that, unlike other vaccines, it uses a 4-stage purification technology that includes two stages of chromatography and two stages of tangential flow filtration. This purification technology helps to obtain a highly purified product that goes through mandatory control including the analysis of free DNA presence. In addition, the volume of nucleic acid is several dozen times lower in adenoviral vectors compared to Pfizer and Moderna vaccines (1 to 2 mcg vs 50 to 100 mcg, correspondingly).
A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine on April 9, 2021, discusses that the cause of the thrombosis in some patients vaccinated with other vaccines could be insufficient purification that leads to the emergence of significant quantities of free DNA. Insufficient purification or use of very high doses of target DNA/RNA can result in adverse interaction of a patient’s antibodies that activate thrombocytes with elements of the vaccine itself and/or free DNA/RNA, which can form a complex with the PF4 factor.
Link to the study:
The Gamaleya Center is ready to share its purification technology with other vaccine producers in order to help them minimize the risk of adverse effects during vaccination.
19. jul 2007

Toliko o 'teorijah zarote'.

Dol jim vusi za zivljenja. Sputniku in Ivermectinu ne sme uspeti.

Anvisa (brazilska agencija) je objavila da, da so v vsakem lotu, ki so ga testirali (Ad5 lot, A549 celična linija), našli tudi virus, ki se je bil spospoben razmnoževat (naj ne bi bila težava v samem dizajnu, ampak problem s proizvodnjo).

Youtube posnetek zasedanja agencije (slide ob 21:28) (sicer je posnetek dolg 5 ur, tako da AndY1 razumemo, da bo malo trajalo, da boš strokovno raztrgal nekompetetneže pri Anvisi).

Meni so sicer geopolitične zadeve irelevantne, tako da bom povsem neobremenjeno oprazoval diskusijo - ki se je v USA zelo razplamtela.

Je pa res, da so dali pri Anvisi konkretne očitke ven, ki so preverljivi.
Povsem drugče, kot če bi bil komentar da, da je bil design študije 3. faze neoptimalen in da so zaključki statistično nezanesljivi (nič ne povejo, kaj je diretno narobe, samo podatkov ne sprejmejo in moraš narediti novo študijo - tukaj se pravzaprav zatika AZ pri FDA - (če so twitter povzetki, ki sem jiz zasledil korektni)).


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Anvisa (brazilska agencija) je objavila da, da so v vsakem lotu, ki so ga testirali (Ad5 lot, A549 celična linija), našli tudi virus, ki se je bil spospoben razmnoževat (naj ne bi bila težava v samem dizajnu, ampak problem s proizvodnjo).

Youtube posnetek zasedanja agencije (slide ob 21:28) (sicer je posnetek dolg 5 ur, tako da AndY1 razumemo, da bo malo trajalo, da boš strokovno raztrgal nekompetetneže pri Anvisi).

Meni so sicer geopolitične zadeve irelevantne, tako da bom povsem neobremenjeno oprazoval diskusijo - ki se je v USA zelo razplamtela.

Je pa res, da so dali pri Anvisi konkretne očitke ven, ki so preverljivi.
Povsem drugče, kot če bi bil komentar da, da je bil design študije 3. faze neoptimalen in da so zaključki statistično nezanesljivi (nič ne povejo, kaj je diretno narobe, samo podatkov ne sprejmejo in moraš narediti novo študijo - tukaj se pravzaprav zatika AZ pri FDA - (če so twitter povzetki, ki sem jiz zasledil korektni)).
Mogoče lahko še pokomentiraš izjavo Gamaleye glede strdkov kot posledice cepiv?

Oni namreč trdijo, da so strdki posledica nečistosti cepiv - vsaj jaz sem tako razumel.
19. jul 2007
Mogoče lahko še pokomentiraš izjavo Gamaleye glede strdkov kot posledice cepiv?

Oni namreč trdijo, da so strdki posledica nečistosti cepiv - vsaj jaz sem tako razumel.

Premalo se spoznam na DNA in PF4 aktivacijo ;). Bom spremljal ali bo kdo bolj kompetenten povedal kaj o tem.

Je pas šla zadeva precej mimo, ker je Gamaleya trenutno zelo na udaru glede njihovega uradnega twitterja, so branili Sputnik V na precej "dvomljiv" način, vljudni gospodje so uporabili besede bullshit in disgrace glede njihovih objav. Sama Katalin Karikó je komentirala, da so objave zelo vprašljive.

Primerjali so neprimerljivo. In ljudje, ki se spoznajo na to temo, so v trenutku znoreli ali pa izgubili sapo, kako se lahko nekdo spusti tako nizko.





Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

Po cepljenju obnovitveni odmerek na približno leto in pol
Kot sem rekel, s Covid pasosem bomo hodili naokoli kot s potnim listom za psa, kjer so notri nalepke za cepljenje proti steklini in je treba cepljenje obnavljati vsake nekaj casa.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Jaz se še nisem dokončno odločil, vendar se nagibam, da se ne bom cepil. Se bom pa vsakokrat testiral.


22. jul 2007
Premalo se spoznam na DNA in PF4 aktivacijo ;). Bom spremljal ali bo kdo bolj kompetenten povedal kaj o tem.

Je pas šla zadeva precej mimo, ker je Gamaleya trenutno zelo na udaru glede njihovega uradnega twitterja, so branili Sputnik V na precej "dvomljiv" način, vljudni gospodje so uporabili besede bullshit in disgrace glede njihovih objav. Sama Katalin Karikó je komentirala, da so objave zelo vprašljive.

Primerjali so neprimerljivo. In ljudje, ki se spoznajo na to temo, so v trenutku znoreli ali pa izgubili sapo, kako se lahko nekdo spusti tako nizko.


Poglej priponko 45064

Ta mi je malo bosa, kako se lahko nekdo spusti tako nizko. Kolektivno serjejo po Rusiji in Sputniku. Ko pa jim vrneš "milo za drago" si pa kar naenkrat primitivnež, nizkotnež, neprofesionalen ipd. sranje. Tovrstne primere hitro najdeš v mikro svetu.


10. feb 2008
Potrdilo o cepljenju.
Antivaxserji, cepite svojega psa? Da, ker ga morete, čeprav se gibate samo v sloveiji.
Bi tu rad omenil še druga OBVEZNA cepljenja.
Nekateri ste še premladi zato: Otroka ne boste mogli imeti v vrtcu, če ne bo cepljen.
To potrdilo bo izginilo, če nam uspe covid obvladovati enostavneje.
Se mi zdi v redu, da smo proti koroni dobili nekaj tako hitro in enostano za doziranje. Kaj če bi bilo zdravljenje/preprečevanje v stilu: presajanja, dialize, radiološkega sevanja ...