Byexpress MCOIN


13. apr 2008
lahko kdo kaj več napiše o byExpress?
Kakšna je bodočnsot zadevi?

moje precej začetniško mnenje: 80% je piramida, coin-i so pa za malo drugačen pristop, tako, da človeka malo zavede!


18. avg 2007
Bližnja prihodnost je ploskanje in plesanje na stolih, daljnja pa precej bolj otožna.

Razen, če je "Site Talk" že večji od Facebooka, potem zadeva ima prihodnost. Isti ljudje zadaj.


24. jul 2007
Ja sej ves kaj bo.

Younameit coin, best talk, worldbook

Persil je tud vsake pol leta boljsi in nova formula in revolucionarno in nikoli boljsi kot sedaj

To se res ni za bat.


11. dec 2014
Pozdravljeni, pred kratkim sem bil na sestanku pa sem malo poguglal zadevo in našel še eno debato tukaj:
Sedaj je zastonj registracija pa me zanima če je kaj novih informacij, sam se sicer ne spoznam na kriptovalute, ampak ko mi je omenil ta mining oz. rudarjenje se mi je zdelo zanimivo. Ta ki mi je predstavljal je dobil investicijo nazaj v 2 mesecih, pa tudi pokazal, da si izplačuje ven na trr in da dobiš viso debit card pri Royal Bank of Scotland. Rekel je še, da se z mconi lahko kupi celo avto in da sedaj pdopisujejo nove pogodbe z podjetji ki bi sprejele mcoin kot plačilo. Zdaj eni pravijo da je prevara, spet drugi da je realno. Če trgovine sprejemajo to kriptovaluto, potem bi moralo biti nekaj na tem. Ma kdo kako izkušnjo je že nekdo kaj kupil tukaj v Sloveniji z mconi?


24. jul 2007
Poguglaj se malo, pa bo sealo bolj smrdelo. Poguglaj tudi: simon karakas, sinisa bicanic, urban turnsek, site talk, ponzijeva shema.

Sestej 1+1 in toj to...

Poglej se forum na slo- techu byxpress.


1. jan 2008
Uporabnik pioneer pravi:
Pozdravljeni, pred kratkim sem bil na sestanku pa sem malo poguglal zadevo in našel še eno debato tukaj:
Sedaj je zastonj registracija pa me zanima če je kaj novih informacij, sam se sicer ne spoznam na kriptovalute, ampak ko mi je omenil ta mining oz. rudarjenje se mi je zdelo zanimivo. Ta ki mi je predstavljal je dobil investicijo nazaj v 2 mesecih, pa tudi pokazal, da si izplačuje ven na trr in da dobiš viso debit card pri Royal Bank of Scotland. Rekel je še, da se z mconi lahko kupi celo avto in da sedaj pdopisujejo nove pogodbe z podjetji ki bi sprejele mcoin kot plačilo. Zdaj eni pravijo da je prevara, spet drugi da je realno. Če trgovine sprejemajo to kriptovaluto, potem bi moralo biti nekaj na tem. Ma kdo kako izkušnjo je že nekdo kaj kupil tukaj v Sloveniji z mconi?

Še vedno je nateg, pa kaj je z vami folk??


13. apr 2008
Uporabnik Matej pravi:
Ce izklopimo moralo pa etiko...

Dober/donosen biznis. ( pika )

a lahko kakšen komentar do kje smo prišli?
Koliko je sedaj vrednost mcoin?


11. dec 2014
mislim da je exchange 1 mcoin za 0,55 €, ko sem bil pa jaz na sestanku je bil čez 1 €, torej velik upad. Tudi debata na različnih forumih se razvija. Tu sem našel en pristen odgovor:

Hi, this is my first post and since I'm from Arad, Romania, I can tell you how things are from my experience with these guys and their business. What you need to understand is that Romania, especially Arad, has been the target of such schemes for a long time. For example, CARITAS or Delphin, the latter being reported in this video
were schemes which took money from people promising huge revenues from the initial investment, organizing conferences where people would be motivated and brainwashed. So Romania has a history of these schemes. It seems that we, the romanians, are more stupid and gullible.

I have been involved in MLM schemes such as Amway (where i lost about 200 euros, about a month's wage), Life-Care and I know about some banking schemes. So, a few years ago I got a call from a church guy that I knew vaguely telling me that he knew about my leadership abilities and that he wanted to tell me about this new amazing chance at making easy money. I met up with him and another guy called Danci Matei. The last guy is Romanian, he went abroad in Italy and worked there for a while and then decided to come back to Romania to try Sitetalk, yes, that's the business he wanted to show me. He told me that he had earned about 3.000 euros in 2 1/2 months with this business. It presented itself as a social marketing site, promising a huge boom upon it's launch.
They insisted in telling me that if I sign up now with a payment starting at 250 euros, I would get a secure place in some scheme and get a lot of money at the end. I listened to them presenting their business and politely refused them. That was about 4 years ago, back in 2011.

Then I got a call from another church guy (looks like church guys stick to stupid schemes instead of honest work) telling me that I would get a call from some other guy to arrange a meeting - I said ok. I went to the meeting and this guy starts telling me the exact same shit that Matei Danci told me with Sitetalk a few years prior, only to find out that he's behind this new business as well. ByXpress it was called... and still is. So I listened and this guy told me how there is this new search engine / social website / online market / gamestore / whatever and how, upont it's launch date, it's going to be bigger and better than Google... So I said 'Wait, wait...' and asked if he knew about Sitetalk, and he said that ByXpress is owned by the Sitetalk founders, only that they parted or something like that, and that the team from Sitetalk is now in ByXpress - [cenzura]!


Just a reminder: I have a good friend who was in a car accident and got a settlement in which he was paid about 15.000 euros, 6.000 of which he invested in Sitetalk and never got back - his own words. Sad.

It seems to me that the founders of this company saw that people trust Google, so they turned this scheme and put the search engine excuse first, so that it would seem legit and power-promising, like Google. Also, the guy explained a system based on exclusivity - 'Get in now with 1200 euros to get your place secured, but do it now, not later, because now it's not launched yet' - sounds familiar? Also, the Delphin scheme that i mentioned earlier was from Gibraltar, just like ByXpress.

The news where the house was sold with MCOIN is fake, i have a good friend with a high position in Arad, and he told me that it was just a publicity stunt, all those involved were insiders from the business. Legal actions are being taken against them but so far nothig has happened. Also, you might hear of a guy that bought a BMW with MCOIN, but what you don'r hear is that the 2 fresh owners are a couple with a long history in MLM - Amway, Lifecare and Lioness, so on - and ponzy schemes. They bought it from a dealer who (the owner) was in on the business (from Turkey I believe) and was willing to make the tranzaction at his own risc. Nothing is true, and the sad part is that the people involved actually believe it's legit.

I'm afraid I left out some important details and I apoligise in advance but these things were brewing inside of me for some time because I was there when these schemes were at their beginning in Arad and I just can't stand to see so many people fooled by this system.

Oh, and needles to say that I got calls from all the shady people that I know invinting me in this scheme, up to the point where I literally asked one of them upfront if he's calling me about ByXpress and he said yes... My father got a call from one of his friend in the car parts business and told him the usual brainwash story, but my father is old school and this is their conversation:

Father: How many money did you invest so far?
Guy: 1600 euros...
Father: And how much money do you have in your hand out of those?
Guy: Well, you don't understand, that's not how this works... About 500 euros...
Father: Nice talking to you.

Note: My father was a victim of CARITAS, similar to Delphin, so he's seasoned Smiley

Good luck to you all.
Nazadnje urejeno:


15. avg 2007
A vidis. Mi smo pa brez sestanka ze v startu vedeli da sta byexpress in mcoin natega. Neverjetno a?


24. jul 2007

A se vesno na prezi za novimi poslovnimi priloznostimi??





Ankol dost!


11. dec 2014
ja Matej vedno rad prisluhnem novim idejam in iščem poslovne priložnosti. Seveda to ne pomeni, da bom kar povsod naivno šel, zato pa je internet, da se zadeva preveri in forumi kot je ta, da se opozori ostale.