Putinova Rusija


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik optiplex pravi:
V Rusiji so nekateri lahko davčni utajevalci, lahko pa čez noč državni sovražniki in utajevalci.

Probaj pa ti v Ameriki ne plačat davka, takrat boš vidu razliko med državama. V ZDA te davčni birokrat lahko spravi za zapahe in no time, če ugotovi davčno utajo. Plačaš in greš še sedet.

pa ni važno si predsednik, filmski igralec, sloviti športnik, ali pa klošar.

Ah, ta IRS:

O IRS je še polno video-ov.


24. jul 2009

Russian election: Big victory for Putin-backed party United Russia

United Russia, backed by President Vladimir Putin, has won a majority in the country's parliamentary election, far ahead of rival parties.

With 93% of the votes counted, the party has secured 54.2% of ballots and 343 seats in the 450-member parliament, officials say.

Mr Putin said his party had "achieved a very good result", however the turnout was a record low 47.8%.

The Communist Party and nationalist LDPR both secured just over 13%.

The party A Just Russia gained just over 6% of the votes. All four parties are loyal to Mr Putin and dominated the last parliament, or State Duma.

Mr Putin has enjoyed 17 years in power as either president or prime minister.
'Utmost regret'

Voting irregularities were reported in several areas and the head of the election commission suggested that the results might be cancelled in three polling stations.

Liberal opposition parties failed to get enough votes for party-list representation. "To my utmost regret, not one other party managed to get over the 5% barrier," said Central Election Commission head Ella Pamfilova.

The two main opposition parties allowed to field candidates, Yabloko and Parnas, received just 1.89% and 0.7% respectively.

Half the seats were also being contested in constituencies but even there the small number of opposition candidates failed to win.

The result increases United Russia's majority after it achieved 49% of the vote in the 2011 Duma elections. The party, led by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, will also take more seats in parliament, up from 238.

However, the turnout, based on partial figures, was the lowest in Russia's modern history and significantly down on the 60% turnout in 2011.

Election commission head Ella Pamfilova had said earlier that she was "fully confident that the elections are proceeding in a quite legitimate way", but she later warned that results at three polling stations might be cancelled because of irregularities.

Elsewhere there were reports of serious irregularities in one Siberian region, with suggestions of "carousel" voting - people bussed around polling stations - in the city of Barnaul.

Youths smashed up a polling station in the Khunzakh district of Dagestan, accusing officials of stuffing ballots in favour of one candidate, Ms Pamfilova said.

And in the southern region of Rostov a criminal case was opened for alleged electoral fraud, she said.

Monitoring group Golos said it had received more than 1,300 complaints from around the country by late afternoon, AP reports.

Some voters unhappy with the election posted pictures of their spoiled ballots on Twitter and Instagram. Some of them mockingly voted for "Pikachu" - fictional creatures from the hugely popular Pokemon Go game.

For the first time, people voted in Crimea, annexed from Ukraine in 2014 in a move condemned internationally. United Russia won all the region's constituency seats in a vote that prompted protests in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev
Legitimate vote? By Steve Rosenberg, BBC News, Moscow

In the system of "Managed Democracy" crafted by the Kremlin, it was unthinkable that President Putin's control of parliament would weaken.

And so, the four pro-Kremlin parties which dominated the previous parliament will do so again. But will the new parliament be recognised by the public as legitimate?

The Russian authorities have tried to present this as one of the cleanest elections in years. Some opposition candidates were permitted to run; a respected human rights advocate was appointed head of the Russian Election Commission.

Yet throughout the day there have been reports of voting fraud - and video to back them up. In some cases, webcams installed at polling stations recorded what appear to be election officials stuffing ballot boxes.

It was vote-rigging which sparked anti-government street protests after the last parliamentary election. President Putin will be hoping that this time his personal popularity, combined with widespread apathy, will mean that Russians accept the result.

Allegations of fraud after the 2011 election sparked large-scale protests against Mr Putin in Moscow and the authorities were anxious to oversee trouble-free polls this time.

After the vote Mr Putin visited the headquarters of United Russia with Mr Medvedev to congratulate activists on their victory.

"We know that life is hard for people, there are lots of problems, lots of unresolved problems," Mr Putin said. "Nevertheless, we have this result."

Despite Russia's economic malaise and tensions with the West over the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, the poor turnout reflected widespread apathy among voters. Some observers had called the election campaign the dullest in recent memory.


10. maj 2014
Tale T miza za sestanke s podrejenimi mora bit neka sovjetska fora.





Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Tole me je pa nasmejalo


10. maj 2014
Verjetno samo katastrofalen prevod iz RU in nerazmevanje tematike, ampak članek je totalno bedast. Smešno bedast.


Russia’s state United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation (UIMC) has designed a supercomputer tailored to operate all aerial, ground and sea robotic systems, no matter who produced them, which makes the cutting-edge solution also cost-saving.


To enable such enviable multitasking, the company has created an 8-teraflop supercomputer which serves as the so-called ‘brain’ of the complex management system.

The computer, equipped with a liquid silicon cooling system can match the performance of about “40 [of the] most powerful laptops,” according to the company.


The innovative solution mounted on Vologda mobile group management complex, which is based on the KAMAZ truck chassis, was first shown to the public at the annual Hyadroavia (Gidroaviasalon) Expo held in Gelendzhik, southern Russia, on 22-25 September.


24. jul 2009
in kaj je tu tako smešno bedastega ?


A new supercomputer developed in Russia will be able to control air, land and sea robotic systems produced by all existing manufacturers, RIA Novosti reported.

n an interview with RIA, a representative of the United Instrument Corporation said that the new supercomputer “speaks the language” of each of the hundreds of robots with different control systems and software currently in production.

He added that the new complex was built around an 8-teraflop supercomputer with a liquid silicon cooling system whose production performance “equals that of 40 of the most powerful laptops money can buy.” This supercomputer is also mobile as it is part of an upgraded Vologda mobile robot control complex that can be mounted on a KamAZ truck. It will be unveiled during an ongoing hydro-aviation show in Gelendzhik

Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014
Od tega, da pišejo o superračunalniku, ki bo komuniciral z vsemi roboti, pa tu sploh ni problem v računalniku, ampak v SW na njem, do 8 TF "superračunalnika", ki je navadna kišta s solidno grafično kartico in hlajenja s tekočim silicijem (tališče pri 1400 stopinj C). Potem pa vso superzmogljivo mašinerijo montirajo na tovornjak in pošljejo nekam sredi stepe.

V glavnem, noro smešno.


24. jul 2009

silicon ni enako silicij
8 tera flopsov ni dosti, lahko pa je xy takih škatel v gruči.

članek je morebiti pisal nekdo iz 24kur

glavno da se nekaj piše in da gre pri vsej zadevi za PR


10. maj 2014
silicon je silicij (silicium)


silicone je silikon



Kisselyov on RU State Tv "But what if @HillaryClinton does get pregnant? Medical advances make that possible. To whom will she leave the US?

Hillary Clinton ima 68 let. Kiselyov je v Rusiji precej velik VIP.


In December 2013 he was appointed by Russian President Vladimir Putin to head the new official Russian government-owned international news agency Rossiya Segodnya, a 2,300-person organization made up largely of the former RIA Novosti news agency. He also serves as deputy director of Russian state TV holding company VGTRK.


10. maj 2014
Ampak potem se bo potrebno odločit, ali je na tem, da zdaj zdaj umre, ali pa bo po zmagi na predsedniških volitvah vnučku pridelala še par let mlajšega strica. Da sploh ne grem nad seksizem same izjave.


10. maj 2014
Ruska obveščevalna je poskušala vlamljat v bellingcatov tim.


From February 2015 to July 2016 three researchers at Bellingcat — Higgins, Aric Toler, and Veli-Peka Kivimaki — who had contributed MH17 articles received numerous spearphishing emails, with Higgins alone receiving at least 16 phishing emails targeting his personal email account.(...) These spearphishing attempts consist of a variety of spoofed Gmail security notices alerting the target that suspicious activity was detected on their account.


The attackers used several methods to redirect the target to credential harvesting pages. In at least 21 of the emails, the URL redirects the victim to a shortened Bitly URL.


The specifically crafted URLs with target-specific strings are consistent with a FANCY BEAR technique highlighted in Dell Secureworks research and employed against a DNC staffer whose files were leaked on DCLeaks.


In the June 2016 example, Toler was targeted with a message that used hellomail1@yandex[.]com in a manner consistent with how Billy Rinehart was targeted prior to content from his personal Gmail being posted to DCLeaks.


The domains evrosatory[.]com,us-westmail-undeliversystem[.]com have been previously identified by Pricewaterhouse Coopers as FANCY BEAR, and the domain servicetransfermail[.]com closely resembles the servicetransferemail[.]com infrastructure that German Intelligence (BvF) established as FANCY BEAR within Cyber Brief Nr. 01/2016.

FANCY BEAR also previously used both the Cata501836 and Carbon2u name servers to host infrastructure and email addresses from 1&1’s mail.com to register domains. We were able to identify further overlaps with other FANCY BEAR infrastructure by pivoting off of these indicators, which we will describe in a later blog post. Based on these consistencies, we assess FANCY BEAR almost certainly is behind the spearphishing and credential harvesting campaign targeting Eliot Higgins and other Bellingcat researchers.


CyberBerkut defaced the Bellingcat webpage on February 10, 2016, claiming credit for the attack and singling out Ruslan Leviev, a Russian opposition blogger and Bellingcat contributor.



Throughout our research, we have focused on FANCY BEAR, an advanced persistent threat (APT) group assessed to be Russian government. CyberBerkut, on the other hand, was a referential data point when we looked at precedence for pro-Russian proxies interfering with elections. CrowdStrike assessed in its 2015 Global Threat Report “there are indications that CyberBerkut has ties to Russian state security,” but the degree of Russian government control over the group is disputed.


We looked to see if we could identify other overlaps between FANCY BEAR and CyberBerkut that would help us assess which of these two scenarios was more likely. Through our research into the Bellingcat activity, we found some surprising content overlaps with DCLeaks — another assessed Russian influence outlet — and a CyberBerkut pattern of registering infrastructure that FANCY BEAR also uses. These developments move the needle slightly towards a more coordinated relationship between the two groups, but not decisively.

(...) cyber-berkut[.]net was registered by “Aleksandr Panchenko” using the email address alex_panchenko@mail[.]com.


While certainly not definitive, the use of a mail.com email address to register domains is consistent with recently identified FANCY BEAR registration activity against the DCCC, WADA, and CAS.

The activity that Bellingcat alerted us to provided a plethora of domains, IP addresses, email addresses, and other registration and hosting information for us to pivot off of to identify other pertinent infrastructure. In an upcoming blog post, we’ll seek to identify as much FANCY BEAR infrastructure and aliases as possible using the ThreatConnect platform and capabilities from some of our industry partners.

Reviewing the CATA501836 and Carbon2u name servers, we were able to identify dozens of active domains that fit the FANCY BEAR mold and likely spoof organizations that Moscow would seek to compromise.


The campaign against Bellingcat provides yet another example of sustained targeting against an organization that shines a light on Russian perfidy. The spearphishing campaign is classic FANCY BEAR activity while CyberBerkut’s role raises yet more questions about the group’s ties to Moscow. These end-to-end cyber operations begin with targeting and exploitation and end with strategic leaks and other active measures employed against those with whom they disagree.


The BEARs win if their active measures campaigns push, scare, or intimidate their targets into doing what they want. If you encounter a BEAR, you’re doing something right. Don’t back down. And turn on two-factor authentication for everything.


10. maj 2014
Nov singl Robbiea Williamsa

It takes a certain kind of man with a certain reputation
To alleviate the cash from a whole entire nation
Take my loose change and build my own space station
(Just because you can, man)

Ain’t no refutin’ or disputin’ I’m a modern Rasputin
Subcontract disputes to some brutes in Louboutin
Act highfalootin’ while my boys put the boot in
(They do the can-can)


Ne bo hit, veeno pa je lepo, da se je tudi pop kultura pričela ukvarjat z moskovskim cirkusom.


10. maj 2014

Russian President Vladimir Putin has submitted to the State Duma a bill on suspending the agreement with the United States on the disposal of redundant plutonium, as follows from an announcement placed in the lower house’s data base.


Accroding to the bill, Russia may resume the deal if US military infrastructure in NATO countries is cut, Magnitsky law is cancelled and all sanctions are canceled and compensations for them are paid.

Kot se piše po tviterju, zahtevajo tudi nadomestilo za protisankcije, ki so jih uvedli sami, t.j. embargo na zahodno hrano.

Brezvezno petelinjenje.

Skoraj pozabil, sankcije nimajo vpliva.