Putinova Rusija


13. sep 2007
Maš kak link, da vidimo kdo vse je še na seznamu?

Rjavec lahko gre?


22. jul 2007
Eden je celo v zaporu:

Vstopa v Rusijo pa niso odobrili predsedniku zgornjega doma poljskega parlamenta Bogdanu Borusewiczu, vidnemu disidentu v času komunizma, pa tudi nekdanji zunanji ministrici Latvije in zdajšnji evropski poslanki Sandri Kalniete, ki naj bi se kot predstavnica Latvije udeležila pogreba. Na pogreb oblasti niso dovolile niti vidnemu kritiku Kremlja Alekseju Navalnemu, ki je trenutno v zaporu.


Še eden od komentarjev:

Nemcov bo dobil svojo zvezdico na zidu v Langleyu. Tako kot Lee Harvey Oswald.

Stardec je nalimal tole: Množice se poslavljajo od umorjenega šefa opozicije

potem pa bereš:

Več sto ljudi se je danes zbralo pred Centrom Saharov v Moskvi, da bi se poslovili od ruskega opozicijskega politika Borisa Nemcova

Moskva ima pa koliko?, 12MIO prebivalcev.


13. sep 2007
Rusija ni obljubljena dežela? Snowden bi rad domov v ZDA
Ameriški žvižgač Edward Snowden bi rad domov, zato njegova obramba trenutno ureja pravna vprašanja v zvezi z morebitno vrnitvijo v ZDA.


10. maj 2014
Hvala za tole, sem se nasmejal.

3x si citiral Lyndona Laroucheja oz. njegov PAC.


Vedel sem, da obstaja in je trčen, ampak se nisem nikoli dovolj poglobil, da bi videl, da je Scientology LVL gazzillion fuknjen.


Top lista surrealizma:

According to the Berliner Zeitung, the LaRouche movement in Germany, operating as the Schiller Institute, LaRouche Youth Movement, Europäische Arbeiterpartei and Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität (BüSo), has around 300 followers, and "next to Scientology, is the cult soliciting most aggressively in German streets at this time."


Around the same time, according to Blum, LaRouche was telling his membership several times a year that he was being targeted for assassination, including by the Queen of the United Kingdom, Zionist mobsters, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Justice Department, and the Mossad. LaRouche sued the City of New York in 1974, saying that CIA and British spies had brainwashed his associates into killing him. He has repeatedly asserted that he is a target for assassination. According to the Patriot-News of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, LaRouche said he had been "threatened by Communists, Zionists, narcotics gangsters, the Rockefellers and international terrorists." LaRouche later said that:

"Since late 1973, I have been repeatedly the target of serious assassination threats and my wife has been three times the target of attempted assassination.... My enemies are the circles of McGeorge Bundy, Henry Kissinger, Soviet President Yuri Andropov, W. Averell Harriman, certain powerful bankers, and the Socialist and Nazi Internationals, as well as international drug traffickers, Colonel Gadaffi, Ayatollah Khomaini and the Malthusian lobby."

The Washington Post wrote that LaRouche and his wife moved in August 1983 from New York to a 13-room Georgian mansion on a 250-acre section of the Woodburn Estate, near Leesburg, Loudoun County, Virginia. The property was owned at the time by a company registered in Switzerland. Companies associated with LaRouche continued to buy property in the area, including part of Leesburg's industrial park, purchased by LaRouche's Lafayette/Leesburg Ltd. Partnership to develop a printing plant and office complex.

Neighbors said they saw LaRouche guards in camouflage clothes carrying semi-automatic weapons, and the Post wrote that the house had sandbag-buttressed guard posts nearby, along with metal spikes in the driveway and concrete barriers on the road. One of his aides said LaRouche was safer in Loudoun County: "The terrorist organizations which have targeted Mr. LaRouche do not have bases of operations in Virginia." LaRouche said his new home meant a shorter commute to Washington. A former associate said the move also meant his members would be more isolated from friends and family than they had been in New York. According to the Post in 2004, local people who opposed him for any reason were accused in LaRouche publications of being commies, homosexual, drug pushers, and terrorists. He reportedly accused the Leesburg Garden Club of being a nest of Soviet sympathizers, and a local lawyer who opposed LaRouche on a zoning matter went into hiding after threatening phone calls and a death threat. In leaflets supporting his application of concealed weapons permits for his bodyguards in Leesburg, Virginia, he wrote:

"I have a major personal security problem...[Without the permits] the assassination teams of professional mercenaries now being trained in Canada and along the Mexico border may be expected to start arriving on the streets of Leesburg...If they come, there will be many people dead or mutilated within as short an interval as 60 seconds of fire."

Regarding LaRouche's paramilitary security force, armed with semi-automatic weapons, a spokesperson said that they were necessary because LaRouche was the subject of "assassination conspiracies".

LaRouche filed a defamation suit against NBC and the ADL, arguing that the programs were the result of a deliberate campaign of defamation against him. The judge ruled that NBC need not reveal its sources, and LaRouche lost the case. NBC won a countersuit, the jury awarding the network $3 million in damages, later reduced to $258,459, for misuse of libel law, in what was called one of the more celebrated countersuits by a libel defendant. LaRouche failed to pay the damages, pleading poverty, which the judge described as "completely lacking in credibility." LaRouche said he had been unaware since 1973 who paid the rent on the estate, or for his food, lodging, clothing, transportation, bodyguards, and lawyers. The judge fined him for failing to answer. After the judge signed an order to allow discovery of LaRouche's personal finances, a cashier's check was delivered to the court to end the case. When LaRouche appealed, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, rejecting his arguments, set forth a three-pronged test, later called the "LaRouche test," to decide when anonymous sources must be named in libel cases.

In 1988, the institute initiated a campaign to establish "philosophical pitch" or "scientific pitch" as the classical music concert pitch standard. This tuning system is based on middle C set at 256 Hz, making concert A 430.539 Hz rather than the most commonly used 440 Hz. The Schiller Institute calls this system "Verdi tuning" because it was Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi who first sought to stop the increase in pitch to which orchestras are tuned. However, Verdi used the French standard 435 Hz in writing his Requiem in 1874; later he indicated that 432 Hz was slightly more optimal. It is this 432 Hz standard that the Schiller Institute advocates. French acoustic physicist Joseph Sauveur first researched then proposed the philosophical pitch standard in 1713, more than a century before Verdi began leading orchestras. Sauveur was strongly resisted by the musicians he was working with, and the proposed standard was not adopted.



AIDS became a key plank in LaRouche's platform. His slogan was "Spread Panic, not AIDS!" LaRouche's followers created "Prevent AIDS Now Initiative Committee" (PANIC), which sponsored California Proposition 64, the "LaRouche Initiative", in 1986. Mel Klenetsky, co-director of political operations for the Larouche-affiliated National Democratic Policy Committee and LaRouche's campaign director, said that there must be universal testing and mandatory quarantining of HIV carriers. "Twenty to 30 million out of 100 million people in central Africa have AIDS," Klenetsky said. "It is spreading because of impoverished economic conditions, and that is a direct result of IMF policies that have destroyed people's means of resisting the disease." Klenetsky said that LaRouche believed that not only drug users and homosexuals are vulnerable to the disease.

The measure was met with strong opposition and was defeated. A second AIDS initiative qualified for the ballot in 1988, but the measure failed by a larger margin. In response to a survey which predicted that 72% of voters would oppose the measure, a spokesman called the poll "an obvious fraud", saying that pollsters deliberately worded questions to prejudice respondents against the initiative. He additionally said that the poll was part of a "big lie...witch hunt" orchestrated by Armand Hammer and Elizabeth Taylor.

As early as 1985 NDPC members ran for local school boards on a platform of keeping infected students out of school. In 1986 LaRouche supporters traveled from Seattle, Washington to Lebanon, Oregon to urge the school board there to reverse a policy that would allow children with AIDS to enroll. In 1987 followers tried to organize a boycott of an elementary school in the Chicago neighborhood of Pilsen, sending a van with loudspeakers through the district. They disrupted an informational meeting and according to press accounts told parents, "The blood of your own children will be on your hands if you allow this child with AIDS in your school," or shouted at opponents, "He has AIDS! He has AIDS!"

LaRouche purchased a national TV spot during his 1988 presidential campaign, in which he summarized his views and proposals with respect to the AIDS epidemic. He said most statements about how AIDS is spread were an "outright lie" and that talk of safe sex was just propaganda put out by the government to avoid spending the money required to address the crisis.



21st Century Science & Technology's managing editor, Marjorie Mazel Hecht, called the campaign against DDT the "'mother' of all the environmental hoaxes". Other articles compared anti-DDT campaigner Rachel Carson to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. 21st century, which is produced by LaRouche supporters, has published papers by entomologist J. Gordon Edwards, including one that urged the return of the insecticide DDT because he said it has "saved more millions of lives than any other man-made chemical". Rogelio (Roger) Maduro, an associate editor, wrote that the ban on DDT was part of a plan to reduce the population and had caused the deaths of 40 million people via a resurgence of malaria.


Ozonska luknja

LaRouche was part of what was called the "ozone backlash". 21st Century Science & Technology, which conducted what has been called "a very effective campaign of misinformation on the issue of ozone depletion", published The Holes in the Ozone Scare in 1992. The book, by LaRouche followers Rogelio Maduro and Ralf Schauerhammer, said that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were not destroying the ozone layer and opposed the proposal to ban them. It asserted that most chlorine in the atmosphere came from oceans, volcanoes, or other natural sources, and that CFCs were too heavy to reach the ozone layer. It went on to say that even if the ozone layer were depleted there would not be any harmful effects from additional ultraviolet radiation. It predicted that a ban would result in an additional 20 to 40 million deaths due to food spoilage.


Globalno segrevanje

The "Greenhouse effect" hoax: a world federalist plot, another book by Maduro, says that the theory of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is a plot by the British royal family and communists to undermine the U.S. It was cited by science writer David Bellamy.

LaRouche followers have promoted the documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle and attacked Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, infiltrating showings to promote their viewpoints. They have stood on street corners proclaiming the falsity of global warming, and have protested Gore's appearances.

21st Century Science & Technology has published papers by climate change contrarians including Zbigniew Jaworowski, Nils-Axel Mörner, Hugh Ellsaesser, and Robert E. Stevenson. A 2007 article by LaRouche science advisor Laurence Hecht suggested that the varying levels of cosmic rays, whose change is dependent on Earth's motion through the galaxy, has a larger effect on the climate than local factors such as greenhouse gases or solar and orbital cycles. Christopher Monckton was praised as the leading spokesman of the "global warming swindle" in the introduction to an Executive Intelligence Review interview with him in 2009, but he was also considered to have a relatively limited view of the cabal behind the hoax. A movement newsletter says that environmental groups seek to "force... CO2 emissions agreements down the throats of governments as a way of finishing off the nation-state system" on behalf of synarchist networks.


10. maj 2014


10. maj 2014
Tokrat so Rusi delali problem v zračnem prostoru Irske.


Commercial jets carrying hundreds of people had to be diverted in mid-air or else prevented from taking off to avoid potential collisions with two Russian bear bombers which “cloaked” their presence during their latest incursion into Irish-controlled airspace.

The Irish Examiner can reveal that the Tu-95 bombers, which flew just 40km off the coast, criss-crossed into major civilian airline traffic lanes, including incoming flights from North America on February 18.

Irska ni v NATO, njihovo letalstvo obsega 7x Pilatus PC-9. Mi jih imamo 11.


2. mar 2010
Ruska klasika, tranponderji na off in delati zmedo v že tako gostem potniškem prometu.
Recept za katastrofo


10. maj 2014
Odgovornost za umor Nemcova so v videu prevzeli novoruski nacionalisti/neonacisti iz enote Rusich. Pravijo, da počnejo, kar bi morala ruska država/Putin.


popravljen zvok:


Takole, na prvo žogo, zgleda fejk.

Zdaj, kar je omembe vredno pa je, da je LifeNews Milčakova in Petrovskega, vodji oz. vsaj najbolj izpostavljena borca enote Rusich



povabil v moskovski studio, kjer sta vse zanikala.


Glavni argument, da niso oni? V videu se govori Ruščina z ukrajinskim naglasom. Let that settle in for a moment.

Novoruski nacionalisti trdijo, da na videu ne morejo bit novoruski nacionalisti, ker govorijo Ruščino z novoruskim naglasom. Mind f.ucked.

Še original video&članek



10. maj 2014
En članek z lepim naslovom

The Fascist in the Kremlin

A year after the annexation of Crimea, Putin’s Russia is looking ever more like an expansionist fascist state. “Putin has brought Nazism into politics,” Nemtsov told a reporter hours before he was shot.


24. jul 2009


12. nov 2014
Uporabnik Kamele0N pravi:
Ko boste naslednjič driskal čez USSA.......kdaj bo možno kaj takega sredi Moskve brez da bodo mrtvi na ulicah
sprasujem se.gif

Protest proti plitiki Izraela v Moskvi? Zakaj ne bi bil možen?
Kako to misliš mrtvi na ulicah?


12. nov 2014
Ti si čisto offtopic. Proti Putinu normalno da so prostesti.

Kameleon sprašuje za protest proti politiki Izraela sredi Moskve.