Navigon Upgrade iz MN6 na MN7 ???


25. jul 2007
Na sončni strani ALP

Ker mi žilica ne da miru, da bi stvari pustil pri miru (as it is) me zanima, kako se naredi prehod na nov OS z novimi kartami?

DLjal sem Q2 karte ter nek paket MN7.rar - ter naložil na SD (karte v root, ostalo v \MN7\)
Pot v ApplicationSettingsPath.xml pa sem popravil na \Storage Card\

Več navodil pa na žalost nisem našel. Ko mašino vključim (Navigon 7110) pa se ne zgodi nič...

Vidi se, da nekaj nalaga, potem pa obstoji na začetni sliki.

Če je komu to uspelo, bi ga prosil za HOW-TO

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gps navigator
20. jul 2007

tu poglej, nekaj piše o tem, samo v nemščini

no evo, en je celo v ang. napisal tam:
However, I'll first explain what I did to get it up and running on the 7110:
- I copied the files on a new 1GB (is the biggest I had) SD card, and removed everything that wasn't needed (most language files, not english) and most maps, so that there was still more than 300MB free on the SD card. (the removing of stuff is not necessary when you have a larger SD card, as long as you have quite some free space left)
- Then I changed eveything as suggested in the previous posts (more specific, renamed to MN6.exe, changed the paths in xml files, changed the gps port to '2', etc)
- By then, it already booted into MN7, but crashed whenever I wanted to view a map. Sometimes it would show the error 'Program low on memory' before it froze. When I checked, the 2100Max has less or equal memory than my 7110, so I thought it should be fixable.
- I booted the 7110 to the windows desktop, and went to control panel->system. There you can specify how many space on the SD card is reserved for storage, and how many is for memory. I put the slider almost completely to the left (almost everything assigned to memory). I also removed the 2 programs (bluetooth and dialer) from the startup map to conserve memory.
- Then I started MN7 from within windows, and everything works fine now!!!
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