Muzika in všečna besedila


mX's girl
23. jul 2007
vedno korak pred tabo
Hoobastank - The reason

I`m not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why i need you to hear

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You [x4]

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you


23. jul 2007
Eric Clapton - River of tears

Its three miles to the river
That would carry me away,
And two miles to the dusty street
That I saw you on today.

Its four miles to my lonely room
Where I will hide my face,
And about half a mile to the downtown bar
That I ran from in disgrace.

Lord, how long have I got to keep on running,
Seven hours, seven days or seven years?
All I know is, since youve been gone
I feel like Im drowning in a river,
Drowning in a river of tears.
Drowning in a river.
Feel like Im drowning,
Drowning in a river.

In three more days, Ill leave this town
And disappear without a trace.
A year from now, maybe settle down
Where no one knows my face.

I wish that I could hold you
One more time to ease the pain,
But my times run out and I got to go,
Got to run away again.


23. jul 2007
Alter Bridge - In loving memory

Thanks for all you've done
I've missed you for so long
I can't believe you're gone
You still live in me
I feel you in the wind
You guide me constantly

I've never knew what it was to be alone, no
Cause you were always there for me
You were always there waiting
And ill come home and I miss your face so
Smiling down on me
I close my eyes to see

And I know, you're a part of me
And it's your song that sets me free
I sing it while I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight cause it comforts me

I carry the things that remind me of you
In loving memory of
The one that was so true
Your were as kind as you could be
And even though you're gone
You still mean the world to me

I've never knew what it was to be alone, no
Cause you were always there for me
You were always there waiting
But now I come home and it's not the same, no
It feels empty and alone
I can't believe you're gone

And I know, you're a part of me
And it's your song that sets me free
I sing it while I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight cause it comforts me

I'm glad he set you free from sorrow
I'll still love you more tomorrow
And you will be here with me still

And what you did you did with feeling
And You always found the meaning
And you always will
And you always will
And you always will


Gay(lord) Fucker
11. avg 2007
Dara Bubamara - Zidovi

Vrata sam otvorila
tamo te je ona ljubila
stajala sam, gledala
pevala je tuga

Nisi se ni pokrio
samo si mi hladno rekao
s'mesta odlazi
kome to pretis, pazi

Ovi zidovi duse imaju
vise nego ti
soba stidi se i ona kaje se
a tebe je zar ne, bas briga

Sta je tebi zena ta
nekako sam te upitala
rekao si sve mi je
pevala je tuga

Nisi se ni pokrio
samo si mi hladno rekao
s'mesta odlazi
kome to pretis, pazi

Ref. 2x

Ref. 2x


Gay(lord) Fucker
11. avg 2007
Mitar Miric-Nekad sam i ja voleo

Nekad sam i ja voleo
nekad sam srecan bio
zbog jedne zene
svoju sam mladost
kafani ostavio

Oko sebe vidjam
samo srecne ljude
ulicama grada
parovi se ljube

Samo ja ne mogu
svoju tugu skriti
samo ja ne mogu
vise srecan biti

Gledam ove ljude
oko moga stola
niko od njih nije
voleo do bola

Oni zale mene
hej sokole sivi
ko voleo nije
ne zna ni da da zivi


Gay(lord) Fucker
11. avg 2007
Jovan Perisic - Moje najmilije

Gresan sam prema tebi bio
jos uvek skupo placam ceh
bez cilja lutam, pogresne ljubim
idem iz greha u greh

K'o da se posle tebe
ljubavi nove bojim
jer ja sam onaj sto uvek
uci na greskama svojim

Ref. 2x
Rado te se setim ljubavi stara
jer me svaka nova ljubav razocara
jos zaborav vreme donelo mi nije
jos o tebi mastam moje najmilije

Pola zivota ja bih dao
zalio ne bih jedan tren
da opet ljubim te oci crne
bez njih sam ja izgubljen

K'o da se posle tebe
ljubavi nove bojim
jer ti si jedini razlog
da zivim i postojim

Ref. 2x


5. sep 2007

C'au sonc'ek kot is hodil do zdaj

sem se z'e upras'al ,c'e te ne bo vec' nazaj

sem vedno vedel, da bos' z'ivlej dlje kot jaz

ampak tega ti ne bom priznal

Mene obrac'a okoli tvoje osi

ti se vrtis' za dobro voljo ljudi

in c'isto vedno tisto jutro,

ko me zjutraj zbudis' se laz'je diha,

ko se naha iz dimnikov kadit

C'au sonc'ek kot si hodu do

zdaj c'au sonc'ek vrni se nazaj

c'au sonc'ek danes ni dobro biti mrtev

c'au sonc'ek s'e pijan prevec' pijan.

Ko mimo mene blodi gmota ljudi

je prav zabavno videt toliko laz'i

toliko neumnih motivov in neumnih zarot

sonc'ek dej ne se ozirat in sveti rajs'e drugot


24. avg 2007
DMP - Ti si vse

Rad bil bi tvoja senca, ko boš šla,
rad bi bil odeja za oba.
Hočem bit blazina, ko greš spat,
rad bi bil fotelj, ko ne moreš stat.

Bil bi oblačilo, ko naga si,
najbolj nežna ura, ki te zbudi.
Ledeni sladoled, ki ga poješ,
rad bil bi samo tvoj angel ko umreš...

Ker ti si vse, vse, kar jaz imam,
danes si tu, a jutri si tam.
Ker ti si vse...
Vse, kar jaz imam.

Ker ti si vse, vse, kar jaz imam,
danes si tu, a jutri si tam.
Ker ti si vse...
Vse, kar jaz imam.

Bil bi tvoja barva v laseh,
na usta ti prilepil bi nasmeh.
Lahko sem tudi solza, ko jočeš se,
bil bi črno vino, da popiješ me.

Jaz sem hladen veter, ko ti vroče je,
ko je hladno, pulover, da segrejem te.
Kot tvoja rdeča šminka na ustnicah,
na tvoji roki ležal bi kot beli prah...

Ker ti si vse, vse, kar jaz imam,
danes si tu, a jutri si tam.
Ker ti si vse...
Vse, kar jaz imam.

Ker ti si vse, vse, kar jaz imam,
danes si tu, a jutri si tam.
Ker ti si vse...
Vse, kar jaz imam.

Ker ti si vse,
ker ti si vse,
ker ti si vse...
Vse, kar jaz imam.


6. sep 2007
Ker sem jih ravno danes slišal:

Zmelkoow: Lotosov cvet:

si bla lepa kot lotosov cvet
ko si tekla gola po pesku te je blo tako dobro objet
ko si se vrtela v zraku sem te gledal v krošnjah dreves
ko si tiho sanjala ptice si znala letet

oèi imaš suhe kot meduze na soncu
na odprtih ustih pajèevina in na njej polno mušic
èe te ne bi vsak dan polakiral bi ti koža že razpadla
v laseh ti gnezdijo miši in iz èela poganja plevel

ko si bla živa si bla lepa kot lotosov cvet
ko si tekla gola po pesku te je blo tako dobro objet
ko si se vrtela v zraku sem te gledal v krošnjah dreves
ko si tiho sanjala ptice si znala letet

zadnja dva mesca razmišljam da bi te polil z bencinom in sežgal
ta vonj razpadajoèega mesa me unièuje iz dneva v dan
mogoèe bom na pumpi dobil dišeèe smreèice in te nafilal
o ne saj nimam niti igle da bi te potem nazaj sešil
la la la la la

zdej sem se odloèu da bom zate boljše skrbel
v lase ti bom nasipal strupa za miši in iz èela potrgal plevel
pajèevino bom vsak dan oèistu in natoèu sveže vode v luknje od oèi
te že vidim kako si spet lepa in po smreèicah dišiš

spet si lepa kot lotosov cvet
ko teèeš gola po pesku te je tako dobro objet
ko vrtiš v zraku te gledam v krošnjah dreves
in ko tiho sanjaš ptice znaš letet

Zmelkoow: Sentiš navadni

kako si dobra ko se poskušaš upirat in upaš da ti ne bom verjel
ko skrbno skrivaš svoje misli ne bom ti jih vzel
dosti prelepa da bi bla hudobna kot hoèeš bit
mogoèe sva si prepodobna da te ne bi razumel

ne skrivaj se ne morem veè
ne beži mi rad bi probal s tabo umret
ne dvomi zdaj nimam moèi da bi lagal
ne umikaj se rad bi te samo držal


15. avg 2007
U2 - One

Is it getting better
Or do you feel the same
Will it make it easier on you now
You got someone to blame
You say...

One love
One life
When it's one need
In the night
One love
We get to share it
Leaves you baby if you
Don't care for it

Did I disappoint you
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth
You act like you never had love
And you want me to go without
Well it's...

Too late
To drag the past out into the light
We're one, but we're not the same
We get to
Carry each other
Carry each other

Have you come here for forgiveness
Have you come to raise the dead
Have you come here to play Jesus
To the lepers in your head

Did I ask too much
More than a lot
You gave me nothing
Now it's all I got
We're one
But we're not the same
Well we
Hurt each other
Then we do it again
You say
Love is a temple
Love a higher law
Love is a temple
Love the higher law
You ask me to enter
But then you make me crawl
And I can't be holding on
To what you got
When all you got is hurt

One love
One blood
One life
You got to do what you should
One life
With each other
One life
But we're not the same
We get to
Carry each other
Carry each other



Gay(lord) Fucker
11. avg 2007
Boban Rajovic - Usne boje vina

Hej, ljepotice
glavu gore gledaj pravo
u oblake, u simsire
ne gledaj u mene samo

Gdje bas mene crnog nadje
da ti zdravu pamet solim
i potopim tvoje ladje
kad ti nocas ne odolim

Usne, usne boje vina
ostace ti bez karmina
oci ostace bez suza
bez dugmeta bijela bluza

Usne, usne boje vina
ostace ti bez karmina
uvenuces k'o mimoza
otrovna je moja loza
takva ti je takva moja loza

Hej, djevojcice
hajde skini osmijeh s lica
o meni ti ne sanjaj
bicu tvoja nesanica

Gdje bas mene crnog nadje
da ti zdravu pamet solim
i potopim tvoje ladje
kad ti nocas ne odolim



30. jul 2007
Pol bom pa jst tud še kakšnega napisu...

Johnny Cash - Cocain Blues

Early one mornin' while makin' the rounds

I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my woman down

I went right home and I went to bed I stuck that lovin' 44 beneath my head

Got up next mornin' and I grabbed that gun took a shot of cocaine and away I run

Made a good run but I run too slow they overtook me down in Juarez Mexico

Late in the hot joints takin' the pills in walked the sheriff from Jericho Hill

He said Willy Lee your name is not Jack Brown

You're the dirty hack that shot your woman down

Said yes oh yes my name is Willy Lee if you've got the warrant just aread it to me

Shot her down because she made me slow

I thought I was her daddy but she had five more

When I was arrested I was dressed in black

They put me on a train and they took me back

Had no friend for to go my bail they slapped my dried up carcass in that country jail

Early next mornin' bout a half past nine I spied the sheriff coming down the line

Talked and he coughed as he cleared his throat

He said come on you dirty heck into that district court

Into the courtroom my trial began where I was handled by twelve honest men

Just before the jury started out I saw the little judge commence to look about

In about five minutes in walked the man holding the verdict in his right hand

The verdict read in the first degree I hollered Lordy Lordy have a mercy on me

The judge he smiled as he picked up his pin 99 years in the Folsom pen

99 years underneath that ground I can't forget the day I shot that bad bitch down

Come on you've gotta listen unto me lay off that whiskey and let that cocaine be


Slon In Sadež - Reper

Tko ljubica zdej si pa kr nariš

bo pizdarija ko je MC Igor pr hiš

zravn pa DJ Jure k dobr ga poznam

in se nam bo zdej predstavu kr sam.


Ful mi po basu šiba roka

če hočeš ti za odrom naredim otroka.

Za vse ko mislte da sva sam dva debila

naj povem kako se je na rap pot razvila.

Na začetku nisva vedla, kaj je Rap kaj je Hip-Hop

poznala pa sva gu-gu in pa agropop

in če je kdo reku alkohol al pa trava

sva rekla ja valda to je tist k ma krava.

Pol pa en dan je pršu moj brat

in je s sabo prnesu kup enih plat.

Na eni je meu tip budilko okol vratu,

na drugi pa je mel sredi čela tattoo.

Smo dal na gramofon in se je začel vrtet

stal sm sredi sobe, nism mogu vrjet.

Tip je govoru, govoru, govoru

nekje na sred sam reku, ej jst bom ponoru

on je pa kr razlagu in je kr naspredu

kok je on najboljši kok je on ful u redu

ko po dvejstih minutah nehu je gobcat

takoj je drug začel prpovedvat.

Tako do konca plate vse to je zgledal

velik so govoril in zlo mal povedal.

In v čemu je trik in v čemu je fora

a ne znaš na kratk povedat kar se mora

ampak v nečem že mora bit keč

ker takih je fantov vsak dan več.

Dans več ni važn a znaš repat a znaš pet

dans je važn da znaš usta odpret.

In kar je včasih velal sam za keš pičke

dons vela za vse Rap mladičke.

Če pa to zna čist vsaka budala,

sva rekla pol bova pa tut midva to znala

ampak kle se je že pojavu en keč

ker Rap je eden ampak stilov je več.

Keri so pravi in keri brezzvezni,

ma skor jih je več ko pa spolnih bolezni.

No midva sva začela malo drugače

malo bolj po kmečko malo bolj po domače.

Pa se vrnimo v zgodovino nazaj

kako se začelo je in pa kdaj.

Sm Jože Gorišek, doma sm iz Ruš

prej sem delal TAMu ja,

zdaj pa delam na fuš.

Mam dva froca, ženo in psa

ko nism v gostilni sm raj doma.

Nism lih lep, nism pa grd,

zravn hiše mam brajdo zravn brajde pa vrt.

Moj najboljši kolega je sosed Danilo

jutr ma rojstn dan grem k nemu na kosilo.

Med tednom delam, med vikendom pijem

občasno bruham, ponavadi samo ščijem

po izobrazbi sm pa kvalificiran varilec,

v prostem cajtu prostovoljni gasilec.

Boli me [censored] če sm tehniški višek

jaz sm še vedno Jo-Jože Gorišek.

Ja odnesla sva plato tm dol v Ljubljano

med to fancy reparsko družbo tm zbrano

pa naja tm dol sploh nobedn ni šteku

je pršu en model in tkole mi je reku.

Ej stari a veš tko je posluš,

ne morš tko govort da se ve da si z Ruš.

OK sm reku in šel do žabe največje

in tam me je nauču ljubljansko narečje.

Čez en par dni sva pod ljubljanski grad

družno prnesla naslednji komad.

Ej model a je ta bejba s tabo?

Ma ne kaj čem jaz s tako grdo babo,

sm jo prtegnu ene dvakat okol kepe,

sm reku gremo km k so pičke bl lepe.

Šest modelov v avtu, muska nabija

na zadnjem zicih model džolija navija.

K avto se ustav nobenmo vn se ne mudi

k notr avto tko lepo po zelenem diši.

Ful dobr stuff stari kera novica

ni stant ne me jebat to je Domačica.

Ej model kak si ti tole nasadu,

na tole bi se loh jst kj hitr navadu.

Pol v avtu smo sedel in smo kadil

a to je dons vse k se nm je zgodil.

Je, ful dobr ej.

No to je že bolš

so rekl fantje iz stroke.

Čeprav vam misli niso najbl globoke.

Pičke pa droge pa droge pa babe,

te teme so zdej že čist preč od obrabe.

Dans če hočš bit dobr če hočš bit in

morš bit kul morš bit clean.

Morš bit ful proti pa mal tut za

morš štekat da po jutru dan se pozna.

Tko da naslednjič k začel boš jezik vrtet

ne misli samo nase ampak misli na cel svet

in če se boš orenk potrudu

boš lahko folku neki novga ponudu.

Sm reku Okej sej nimam kej zgubit

ratu pa je naslednji hit.

Planeti so v kostelaciji,

država pa je v reforamciji.

In namesto da bi folk rtvol bl bogat,

ne, ta planet je vedno bl oglat.

Zmeri bl vsak živi na svoji strani,

zmeri bl vsak svojo ped zemlje brani.

Boli [censored] ga za sočloveka

saj če crkne sosed, bo pa za njega več medu in mleka.

Folk to ve sam se noče zbudit,

lej na vzhodu pa se že začenja kadit

in kjer je dim tm je tut ogenj se pravi

eden ns bo vse to teplo po glavi

tepl pa ne bo tistih ki za to so krivi

ne tepl bo tiste k bojo delal na njivi.

Tisti ki pa vsen to so zakuhal

sedel bojo pod zemljo in klor v vodi kuhal

in si mislil okej nm je ratal prežvet

sam kaj k zdej nimamo nč za počet

teh dvejset kvadratov cel naš je svet

zato da bomo moral zdej sami umret.

OK so rekl fantje

komad kot se šika

a žal omejen je z majhnostjo jezika.

Ker rap je v besedi in slovensko govori

sam okrog dva miljona ljudi.

Kaj pa miljarde moških in žensk

k pač nikol navjo znal slovensk.

Če hočš bit v rapu resnično not

se morš izkazat kot poliglot.

Kdor jezikov ne zna sm reku je pa res bedn

nov komad je bil kle že čez en teden.

En tag walkam dol po Strass

in loookam katero Muher bi Attachal nase,

ej nobeno, k gern ne da

eni bjondi rečem Voulez-vous coucher avec moi

a ne veš en tag ...


tekilo rukn pa se ausšteki

prepusti flowu lajfa se reki

tolk me prhefta around vagina

da se mi zabevega trajna

za eno vvreme sm meu women genug


Tko so rekl fantje zdej si pa naš

evo ti roka, evo ti glaž

zdej ko pa več nisi naš gost

nej ti povemo še eno skrivnost

morš namreč štekat v čemu je stvar

rap je muska in v muski je dnar.

Sej veste v letu 00 je reku

pr tem je pa mislu samo nule na čeku.

ček it out, ček it out out

ček it out, ček it out out

Tko to je bil zdej cel komad

in folk slon in sadež ma vas rad
Nazadnje urejeno:


2. sep 2007
stara garda: Guns'N'Roses: November Rain

When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same

'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain

We've been through this auch a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain

But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away

If we could take the time
to lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me
then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain

Do you need some time...on your own
Do you need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you

Sometimes I need some time...on my
Sometimes I need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain

Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

naša garda: Big foot mama: Buldožer

Mala Lelja gledala,
pada zvezda iz neba
Mala Lejla si želi,
da jo solza ne duši

A kje je dom, a kje je dom
Zamenjala je za bombon
Gleda Lejla tuj ekran
Tuj ekran z bombam postlan

Otroška igra zemljo krast
Zemljo krast za svojo rast
Nima Lejla s čim vzet
Ni moči se za upret

Liljani so šli v kri
A njen medvedek v smeti
Obrne se in zamiži
V svetu pravljic zaželi


Lejla ni več deklca
Novi dom Slovenija
Lepota njena očarala
Naslovno stran hit medija

Lejla se več ne boji
Njo več solza ne duši
Le ko prižge si cigaret
Se ji v misli vrne spet...

pa še ex yugo garda: Leteči odred: Sanjao sam moju ružicu

Sanjao sam moju ružicu,
palila me je ko šibicu.
Sanjao sam ruke njene,
da je sada poleg mene,
goreo bi kao vatra olimpiska.

Pisao sam moju ružicu,
a u pismu marke, dolari.
Dao bi ji vse najbolje
samo, da je dobre volje
in ne bi tužan više bio ja.

Pjevali smo stare pjesme
radili i što se nesmje
ali nikad nismo varali.

Voljeli smo staro mjesto
odlazili tamo često
gdje smo prvi put se ljubili.

Sanjao sam miris kestena
na papirju tajna pisana.
Sanjao sam miris zime
a na ustnih njeno ime
nikad više neču reči ja.

Jer pisala je meni ružica
mogu ja bez tvojih dolara
ma trebaju mi roke radi,
da me girju kad zahladi.
Udala se moja ružica.

Pjevali smo stare pesmi
radili i što se nesmje
ali nikad nismo varali.

Voljeli smo staro mjesto
odlazili tamo često
gdje smo prvi put se ljubili.



4. sep 2007
Guns N' Roses - It's So Easy

I see your sister in her Sunday dress
She's out to please
She pouts her best
She's out to take
No need to try
She's ready to make

It's so easy, easy
When everybody's tryin' to please me baby
It's so easy, easy
When everybody's tryin' to please me

Cars are crashin' every night
I drink n' drive everything's in sight
I make the fire
But I miss the firefight
I hit the bull's eye every night

It's so easy, easy
When everybody's tryin' to please me baby
It's so easy, easy
When everybody's tryin' to please me
So easy
But nothin' seems to please me
It all fits so right
When I fade into the night
See me hit you
You fall down

I see you standin' there
You think you're so cool
Why don't you just
[censored] off

Ya get nothin' for nothin'
If that's what ya do
Turn around bitch I got a use for you
Besides you ain't got nothin' better to do
And I'm bored

It's so easy, easy
When everybody's tryin' to please me baby
It's so easy, easy
When everybody's tryin' to please me
So easy
But nothin' seems to please me
It all fits so right
When I fade into the night
So come with me
Don't ask me where 'cause I don't know
I'll try ta please you
I ain't got no money but it goes to show
It's so easy

Cypress Hill - Stank Ass Hoe lyrics

[Sen Dog]
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Once again, ha ha ha
We back, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Now all these new nigas tryin to bust grips
Keep tryin, I'm shittin all over yo tapes
And yo CDs, you see these
Niggas wit the weed leaves, you need these
Hill biggas to bust trigga, sicka sicka
The rhyme spitter spittin over the transmittor
I got double platinum records on the wall
While you got double cheeseburgers in yo toilet stall
Cats wanna try me, you must be high
Cause you havin fuckin +Illusions+, no lie, what you usin?
Gimme some of that shit (shit), you fakin it
Any little title you got, I'm takin it
You can't have it, you didn't earn it
Spit on yo name, shit on it, and burn it
Suckas wanna floss and play the big boss
What movie you livin in and how much did it cost?
What role are you playin? I'm only sayin
You're the record gettin played and I'm DJ'in
Playin you, playin you, and playin you
Decayin you, I'm tyin and breakin you (ah ha ha)

[Chorus: B-Real (Sen Dog)]
You're a weak ass hoe
Punk slow yo role
You're nothin but a clone
With nothin to show
You're a weak ass hoe
Need a style of your own
You're a weak ass hoe
You're a weak ass hoe (Punk ass nigga)
Leave me alone (Carbon copyin muthafucka)
Punk nigga wit no flow (You ain't shit)
You're a weak ass hoe ([censored] your little record, punk)
You're a weak ass hoe (Eat a dick)

Now look at her over there (damn), lookin all fine
Shakin her ass, tellin me to grab from behind
Please don't mind me, you'll find me
Rollin the pine trees, women askin to sign these
Well OK, but you're gonna get me in trouble
Nice ones, I gotta be out on the double
I'll be in that corner table wit my homies
Gettin stoney tryin to avoid the phonies
Huh, what you askin? Do I got plastic
To buy you and yo friends drinks? Do I have assets?
Do I got a big home? Do I live alone?
Can I use yo cell phone?, feelin my bone
She wanna ride me, she wanna tie me
Around her tiny little finger and ride me blindly
I don't think so, you stink, hoe
The chain in yo brain is missin a link, hoe
Please back up, I know you look good
But that ain't enough to get half of my stuff, bitch
(ah ha ha, that's right, you're a stank hoe!)

[Chorus: B-Real (Sen Dog)]
You're a stank ass hoe
Tryin to get dough
Leave me alone
Cause you can't roll
You're a stank ass hoe
Nut ridin pro
You're a stank ass hoe
A stank ass hoe
Leave me alone (Broke ass hoodrat)
You can't roll (You can't roll)
You're a stank ass hoe
A stank ass hoe (Stank ass hoe)
You're a stank ass hoe (Dick suckin tramp)
(Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha)
(Bring it back homie, come on, huh)

Here goes another example to begin it
With a twist (yeah) like pussy I'm in it
When I look at me, I look and see
How long it took for you to throw the book at me
Damn that shit hurts, but I put in work
These niggas are like germs, over the counter they lurk
And smirk when you fall down, but I calm down
And put the anti-bacterial assault down
Kill germs that wanna test, they want the best
Comparin you to me is like a nigga to the cess
Never settle for stress, or wack rappers
I'm rockin the outta the West and rockin the East (?)

[Chorus: B-Real (Sen Dog)]
(Punk ass nigga)
You're a bitch ass hoe
Knockin on my door
Leave me alone
Cause you got no soul
You're a bitch ass hoe (Trick ass hoe)
Need to find a place to go
You're a bitch ass hoe (Punk ass niggas)
You're a bitch ass hoe
Don't touch the microphone
You're a bitch ass hoe (Eat a muthafuckin dick)
You're a bitch ass hoe
Leave me alone
Got no place to go
You're a bitch ass hoe (Trick ass hoe)


11. avg 2007
Evo ta komad ma men hud besedil, vedno aktualna tema, Bob je dobro zadel bistvo.


Until the philosophy which hold one race superior
And another
Is finally
And permanently
And abandoned -
Everywhere is war -
Me say war.

That until there no longer
First class and second class citizens of any nation
Until the colour of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes -
Me say war.

That until the basic human rights
Are equally guaranteed to all,
Without regard to race -
Dis a war.

That until that day
The dream of lasting peace,
World citizenship
Rule of international morality
Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued,
But never attained -
Now everywhere is war - war.



31. jul 2007
D. BOWIE - Heroes/Helden

I will be king
And you
You will be queen
Though nothing will
Drive them away
We can beat them
Just for one day
We can be heroes
Just for one day
And you
You can be mean
And I
I can drink all the time
'Cause we're lovers
And that's a fact
Yes we're lovers
And that is that
Though nothing
Will keep us together
We could steal time
Just for one day
We can be heroes
For ever and ever
What d'you say
Kanntest du schwimmen
Wie Delphine
Delphine es tun
Niemand gibt us eine Chance
Doch wir kannen siegen
Fxr immer und ummer
Und wir sind dann Helden
Fxr einen Tag
Ich bin dann Kanig
Und du
Du Kanigin
Obwohl sie
Unschlagbar scheinen
Werden wir Helden
Fxr einen Tag
Wir sind dann wir
An diesem Tag
Ich glaubte zu tr`umen
Die Mauer
Im Rxcken war kalt
Schxsse reissen die Luft
Doch wir kxssen
Als ob nichts geschieht
Und die Scham fiel auf ihre Seite
O wir kannen sie schlagen
Fxr alle Zeiten
Dann sind wir Helden
Nur diesen Tag
Dann sind wir Helden
Dann sind wir Helden
Dann sind wir Helden
Nur diesen Tag
Dann sind wir Helden
We're nothing
And nothing will help us
Maybe we're lying
Then you better not stay
But we could be safer
Just for one day

D. BOWIE - Station to Station

The return of the Thin White Duke
Throwing darts in lovers' eyes
Here are we, one magical moment, such is the stuff
From where dreams are woven
Bending sound, dredging the ocean, lost in my circle
Here am I, flashing no colour
Tall in this room overlooking the ocean

Here are we, one magical movement from Kether to Malkuth
There are you, drive like a demon from station to station
The return of the Thin White Duke, throwing darts in lovers' eyes
The return of the Thin White Duke, throwing darts in lovers' eyes
The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stays

Once there were mountains on mountains
And once there were sunbirds to soar with
And once I could never be down
Got to keep searching and searching
Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love?
Wonderful, wonderful, wonder when
Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy?
Drink to the men who protect you and I
Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high

It's not the side-effects of the cocaine
I'm thinking that it must be love
It's too late - to be grateful
It's too late - to be late again
It's too late - to be hateful
The european canon is here

I must be only one in a million
I won't let the day pass without her
It's too late - to be grateful
It's too late - to be late again
It's too late - to be hateful
The european canon is here

Should I believe that I've been stricken?
Does my face show some kind of glow?
It's too late - to be grateful
It's too late - to be late again
It's too late - to be hateful
The european canon is here, yes it's here
It's too late
It's too late, it's too late, it's too late, it's too late

The european canon is here
It's not the side-effects of the cocaine
I'm thinking that it must be love
It's too late - to be grateful
It's too late - to be late again
It's too late - to be hateful
The european canon is here

I must be only one in a million
I won't let the day pass without her
It's too late - to be grateful
It's too late - to be late again
It's too late - to be hateful
The european canon is here

Should I believe that I've been stricken?
Does my face show some kind of glow?
It's too late - to be grateful
It's too late - to be late again
It's too late - to be hateful
The european canon is here, yes it's here
It's too late
It's too late, it's too late, it's too late, it's too late
The european canon is here, yes it's here

CLUESO - Chicago

Sie ist immer da wo was los ist
Immer mitten in der Stadt
Dort wo die kleine Welt ganz groß ist
Sieht sie sich an den Lichtern satt
Sie erzählt dann und wann von dem und dem
Sie hat jeden schon gehabt
Auch wenn sie sich selbst nicht ganz so pflegt
Pflegt sie zumindest den Kontakt

Und sie träumt von Chicago, von Chicago
Irgendwo wo sie keiner kennt
Und sie träumt von Chicago, von Chicago
Dort wo niemand, niemand ihren Namen nennt

Mit ihrem sonnigen Traum vor Augen
Läuft sie durch den Regen
Und jedem den sie auf der Straße trifft
Erzählt sie, sie wär da gewesen
Beschreibt in welcher Ecke sie schon war
Denn sie kennt immerhin dies und das
Und wenn du bisschen was dabei hast
Nimmt sie dich mit für eine Nacht

Sie nimmt dich mit nach Chicago, nach Chicago
Irgendwohin wo dich keiner kennt
Sie nimmt dich mit nach Chicago, nach Chicago
Dort wo niemand, niemand deinen Namen nennt

Doch wenn man ihr erzählt
Welchen Traum sie lebt
Dann spielt sie gleich verrückt
Denn auch wenn sie kurz schläft
Sobald das Licht angeht
Dann muss sie schnell zurück

Manchmal trifft sie sich mit ein paar Leuten
An einem unbestimmten Platz
Und wenn dort frisches Zeug durch die Adern fließt
Gibt man den Löffel an die Kumpels ab
Und diesmal ist sie nicht gekommen
Vielleicht hat sie’s nicht gepackt
Nur eine kleine Nachricht ist alles was sie hinterlassen hat

Ich komm nie mehr, ich bin in Chicago, in Chicago
Irgendwo wo mich keiner kennt
Ich komm nie mehr, ich bin in Chicago, in Chicago
Dort wo niemand, niemand meinen Namen nennt

Oh, oh Chicago, wo mich keiner kennt
ich komm nie mehr
In Chicago, ich komm nie mehr …


19. jul 2007
bah, si me prehitela

no, ok. naslednji komad od Jon Secada:


I, I can't read the future

But I still want to hold you close

Right now, is all I want from you

So give me the morning

Sharing another day

With you, is all I want to know

And baby I, I've tried to forget you

But the light of your eyes still shine

You shine like an angel

A spirit that won't let me go

I, I didn't want to tell you

Things I didn't want to know myself

I was afraid to show

But you gave me a reason

A reason to face the truth

To face the truth, face the truth, face the truth

And baby I, I've tried to forget you

But the light of your eyes still shine

You shine like an angel

A spirit that won't let me go

Won't let me go

Let go of my heart

in pa meni zelo ljub komad od Evanescence:

My Immortal

I'm so tired of being here

Suppressed by all my childish fears

And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

'Cause your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have

All of me

You used to captivate me

By your resonating life

Now I'm bound by the life you've left behind

Your face it haunts

My once pleasant dreams

Your voice it chased away

All the sanity in me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone

But though you're still with me

I've been alone all along


Nazadnje urejeno:


mX's girl
23. jul 2007
vedno korak pred tabo

še moj komad za jokat...

Jessica - How will I know

I don't know how
Or where to start
Here we're standing again
And I see now
From where we are
That our road has come to an end
Though we've come this far
I don't know why
But I still can't see who you are

I don't want you to cry
Don't want us to say goodbye
But I know that we're falling apart
I don't need your lies
And if you don't sympathise
Tell me how will I know who you are

It's too late now
We've gone this far
To see what's hidden within
Though we said that we'd never part
Maybe I've been trying too hard

To believe in love
I don't know why
But I still can't see who you are

I don't want you to cry
Don't want us to say goodbye
But I know that we're falling apart
I don't need your lies
And if you don't sympathise
Tell me how will I know who you are

Don't worry
I promise
It's for the better
So, I think we should let it go now
and maybe we'll find love again

I don't want you to cry
Don't want us to say goodbye
But I know that we're falling apart
I don't need your lies
And if you don't sympathise
Tell me how will I know who you are

Guns'n'Roses - Don't cry

There's something in your eyes
Don't hang your head in sorrow
And please don't cry
I know how you feel inside I've
I've been there before
Somethin's changin' inside you
And don't you know

Don't you cry tonight
I still love you baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight

Give me a whisper
And give me a sigh
Give me a kiss before you
tell me goodbye

Don't you take it so hard now
And please don't take it so bad
I'll still be thinkin' of you
And the times we

And don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight
And please remember that I never lied
And please remember

how I felt inside now honey
You gotta make it your own way
But you'll be alright now sugar
You'll feel better tomorrow
Come the morning light now baby

And don't you cry tonight
An don't you cry tonight
An don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby

And don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry tonight
Baby maybe someday

Don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry


24. avg 2007
Vesna Pisaroviæ - Da sutra umrem

Ti si svjetlo mog zivota, moja istina
ti si snaga koju trebam da bih, disala
vjeru u ljubav si mi vratio
bolje od ikog, si me shvatio

Da sutra umrem, ne bih zalila
jer ja sam ljubav zivota imala
i da me nema, ja bih zivjela
u tvojim mislima bi se budila

Dao si mi razlog, dao si mi smisao
oziljke sa moga srca si izbrisao
i kad sam pala ja ti si me digao
i kad sam zvala uvijek si stigao

Dao si, mir srcu mom
dao si, blagoslov i dom

Vesna Pisarovič & Guliano - Bježi od mene

Na mom prozoru svjetlo gori cijelu noc
tek sam pred zoru shvatila da neces doc'
ti ni ovaj put
tvoji tragovi svud po sobi vide se
ali najveci ne vidi se
jer je on ostao na srcu mom

Pjesme pisem samo da te izbrisem
budna sanjam jos se tvojom osjecam

Bjezi od mene, to je sve sto znas
to je najlakse jer ako pogledas
bjezim od sebe i od ljubavi
s kojom nikada nisam znao zivjeti

Tvoja postelja za mene je bila dom
ali nevolja u genetskom kodu mom
nikad ne spava
samom sebi ne bih ja oprostio
da te sretnem u zemlju bih propao

Darko Filipoviæ - Trebaš mi

Pogledaj kako drhtim
kada gledam te
i kao da si poslednja
na svetu ne dam te

Pogledaj moje oci
sve ti govore
kada te nema
uvek pomislim na najgore

I telo grci se
i ruke znoje se
a u stvari znam
da volis me

Pogledaj kako drhtim
kada gledam te
i kao da si poslednja
na svetu ne dam te

I telo grci se
i ruke znoje se
a ustvari znam
da volis me

Ref. 2x
Trebas mi, trebas mi
ni sunce zemlji kao ti meni, meni
i hajde, dodji, pa me uveri, uveri
da sumnje ne bude u meni
( trebas mi, trebas mi )

Zamisli kako mi je
kad se probudim
kako mi srce lupa
kad na tebe pomislim

I sumnja javi se
sa srcem bori se
a ustvari znam
da volis me


25. jul 2007

Eric Clapton - If I Saw You In Heaven

would you know my name

if i saw you in heaven

would it be the same

if i saw you in heaven

I must be strong

and carry on

'cause i know i don't belong here in heaven

would you hold my hand

if i saw you in heaven

would you help me stand

if i saw you in heaven

I'll find my way through night and day

'cause I know I just can't stay here in heaven

Time can bring you down

time can bend your knees

time can break your heart

have you beggin' please

beggin' and please

beyond the door there's peace I'm sure

and I know there'll be no more tears in heaven

would you know my name

if I saw you in heaven

would it be the same

if i saw you in heaven

I must be strong

and carry on

'cause i know i don't belong here in heaven

'cause i know i don't belong here in heaven
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