Kreiranje kart za OziExplorer iz Google Earth


gps navigator
19. jul 2007
Ker se mi zdi to zelo uporabna informacija, jo kopiram iz ipmart foruma.

Notice: Google Maps aren't available for whole world e.g. lack of Malysia's roads

Run GoogleMapViewer (for example we want the map of Barcelona in Spain )
Click the second Earth icon on toolbar above to see 'Only map' if it is not what you see already.

1. First find Barcelona slowly changing zoom and using your mouse to center
(You can use mouse wheel to change zoom)
2. Check which level of details is good for you (Zoom x16 is detailed enough to see names of all streets)
3. Now decrease zoom to see the area of whole city e.g. zoom x12
4. On the toolbar above click 'Selection' tool
5. Select the area of whole city and then click 'Start' on 'Merging and export' toolbar
6. In 'Parameters' window:
- First part -> select 'Merging selected fragment'
- Under 'Operating mode' select 'Cache and Internet' and 'Only map' (Of course you can choose 'hybrid' or 'satellite image only' but satellite images can have limited zoom for some regions)
- Under 'Selected fragment' you will see geographical coordinates of selected area (You can adjust them if you want).
- Next choose 'Zoom-in:' you should choose level which was good for you (in our example 16 because we can see all street names)
- Next are 'Merging parameters' where we can split map in smaller fragments
but leave unselected if you want one big map file.
- Next choose jpeq quality I personally think 80% is good choice (lower percentage will give smaller file but more blurred)
- Select 'Create files for OziExplorer (.map)' other options won't work in demo.
- Click OK and save file on your disk. (choose name for your map)
7. Now you will see number of fragments which are being downloaded to create jpeg map file for you. (Selected level of zoom-in)
After finishing you will have 2 files: yourmapname.jpg and
It can take some time.

Notice: Some parameters can be selected already by defaut

Ne bi bilo pa slabo, če bi potem svoje izdelke še kam prilepili
Lahko jih damo recimo na, kjer je že kar nekaj kart.