Kotiček za neumne


21. feb 2009
Največja slovenska vas
Uporabnik suzica pravi:
Če bi prešteli kolikokrat se čriček oglasi v minuti in bi potem to
število pomnožili z 2, nato prišteli 9 pa zopet delili z 2, bi
dobili točno temperaturo v Celzijih.

Kaj takega, nisem mogel verjeti,da je res.... pa vendarle obstaja Dolbearov zakon:

Dolbear's law states the relationship between the air temperature and the rate at which snowy tree crickets (Oecanthus fultoni, a tree cricket) chirp[1]. It was formulated by Amos Dolbear and published in 1897 in an article called The Cricket as a Thermometer.

The chirping of the more common field crickets is not as reliably correlated to temperature — their chirping rate varies depending on other factors such as age and mating success. In many cases, though, the Dolbear's formula is a close enough approximation for field crickets, too.

In še vir: Dolbearov zakon

Res fascinantno!