Covid-19 Covid-19 Švedska zgodba


24. nov 2007
113 članek je tipičen primer, ko politiki prevzamejo vlogo epidemiologov. Že videno v Slo.
Rezultati tudi, smo na vrhu morbidne lestvice v Evropi, takoj za Belgijo.

Podobnost s Slo je zgolj naključna...

28.12 2020 so v Šve parlamentu sprejeli zakon, ki od 10.1 vladi dovoljuje tudi uvesti lockdown.

Glede na to , da so (bili) unikum v prestrašeni Evropi, je bilo logično da so na njih pritisnili taveliki globalisti.

V stilu: se Janez sprašuje, mi smo zaprti že N mesecev, Švedi imajo vse odprto in še ni nikjer videti gore trupel na ulici, ki jih nimajo časa odvažati, a ni to vse skupaj vseeno vsaj malo sumljivo ?

Čeprav je njihova statistika umrlih enaka kot v Slo, DSOji in +80 povprečna starost.

Ah zdaj pa so globalisti krivi, ceprav njihovo strategijo vodi epidemiolog. To pa da nimajo kam bolnikov zlagat je postranski pomen, da je statistika svedske 10x slabsa od sosedov in da ima tega obnasanja poln kufer drzavni vrh, so krivi globalisti. Manjka se samo kak podatek o cipiranju in 5G pa bomo na konju.

Pa se da nebos teh bitchute in podobnih nebuloz lepil o stevilkah,gripi in podobnih nebuloz. Zadeve so jasne:
Toliko o tem, da te pandemije ni in da gre za navadno gripo. Novembra je bilo v Sloveniji pri starejših od 72 let skoraj 100% več smrti kot prejšnja leta.


24. nov 2007
Sedaj so tudi na SVE bolnisnice ustavljene.

Hospitals across Sweden are now postponing urgent operations to make room for coronavirus patients, a survey by Sweden's state broadcaster SR has found.

Every one of the country's 21 regional healthcare authorities reported being in a "strained" or "very strained" situation, with the regions of Jönköping and Uppsala telling SR that they were having to postpone urgent operations on cancer or heart patients.

"It may actually be cancer surgery that has to wait for a bit right now," Uppsala's health and medical care director, Mikael Köhler, told the broadcaster.

"We need to do everything we can to prevent harm that could have been avoided, and, in the long run, deaths. We really shouldn't end up in that kind of situation, but we are starting to get close to it."

Jönköping, like Uppsala, said that it was delaying urgent cancer surgery and heart operations, with the region's medical director Mats Bojestig telling SR that it plans to trigger the crisis clause agreed with unions which will allow it to increase health personnel's working hours.

"This feels absolutely necessary if we're going to be able to carry out more operations than before, because otherwise we think local residents are going to harmed," he said.

Uppsala has already triggered the crisis clause. In Skåne, urgent operations have had to be moved between hospitals, delaying procedures.
19. jul 2007
Update na tematiko Švedske metodologije beleženja smrti.

4 tedne nazaj (14. 12.) je švedski graf izgledal takole: najhujši vrh s 70 smrtmi (25. 11. 2020) je par tednov nazaj, strm upad smrti.


Če pogledamo današnji graf (11. 1. 2021) je graf podoben, najhujši vrh je par tednov nazaj, strm upad smrti.

Če pa bolj podrobno vidimo, pa je (gledamo samo drugi val) vrh smrti višji v – 114 smrti (iz 70 smrti na dan na grafu 14. 12.), pa vrh se je premaknil naprej na 17.12.2020 (iz 28. 11. 2020)

Na današnji dan je za pretekli teden (pon 4. 1. – ned 10. 1.) vpisanih 64 smrti.
Za dva tedna nazaj je vpisanih 224 smrti, en teden nazaj je bilo vpisano 46 smrti, v zadnjem tednu so dopisali 178 smrti.
Za tri tedne nazaj je vpisanih 407 smrti, en teden nazaj je bilo vpisano 168 smrti, v zadnjem tednu so dopisali 239 smrti (popravek za dva tedna nazaj).
Za štiri tedne nazaj je vpisanih 610 smrti, en teden nazaj je bilo vpisano 427 smrti, v zadnjem tednu so dopisali 183 smrti (popravek za tri tedne nazaj).
Za pet tednov nazaj je vpisanih 493 smrti, en teden nazaj je bilo vpisano 457 smrti, v zadnjem tednu so dopisali 36 smrti (popravek za štiri tedne nazaj).
Se pravi, realni podatki (če zanemarimo minorne popravke) držijo za pet tednov nazaj.

Še primerjava kako izgleda graf s podatki 14. 12. na Worldometer s podatki na dan 14.12 (modre črte), ter graf za 14.12 s updatanimi podatki do danes (oranžne črte).

Sweden 3_4.png
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: AndY1 in Blackjack


6. sep 2007
Update na tematiko Švedske metodologije beleženja smrti.

4 tedne nazaj (14. 12.) je švedski graf izgledal takole: najhujši vrh s 70 smrtmi (25. 11. 2020) je par tednov nazaj, strm upad smrti..........

Jaz sem si zadnjič graf iz 26.decembra shranil pa sem ga že zbrisal. Za 21. decembra je bil podatek 4 mrtvi (tega sem si zapomnil) če greš gledat danes jih je 58.
19. jul 2007
Najnovejši (pon 18. 01.) švedski graf izgleda takole: najhujši vrh s je par tednov nazaj, strm upad smrti. Če pa bolj podrobno pogledamo pa se je (gledamo samo drugi val) vrh smrti (par tednov nazaj) spet višji – 118 smrti. Dnevni maksimum smrti (118 - 17.12.) je v drugem valu že presegel prvi val (115 smrti 8. 4 in 15. 4.), pa bodo številke še korigirane.

Še pogled kako korigirajo za nazaj.
Na današnji dan je za pretekli teden (pon 11. 1. – ned 17. 1.) vpisanih 57 smrti.
Za dva tedna nazaj (pon 4. 1. – ned 10. 1.) je vpisanih 279 smrti, en teden nazaj je bilo vpisano 46 smrti, v zadnjem tednu so dopisali 215 smrti.
Za tri tedne nazaj (pon 28. 12. – ned 3. 1.) je vpisanih 569 smrti, en teden nazaj je bilo vpisano 224 smrti, v zadnjem tednu so dopisali 345 smrti (popravek za dva tedna nazaj).
Za štiri tedne nazaj (pon 21. 12. – ned 27. 12.)je vpisanih 614 smrti, en teden nazaj je bilo vpisano 407 smrti, v zadnjem tednu so dopisali 207 smrti (popravek za tri tedne nazaj).
Za pet tednov nazaj (pon 14. 12. – ned 20. 12.) je vpisanih 639 smrti, en teden nazaj je bilo vpisano 610 smrti, v zadnjem tednu so dopisali 29 smrti (popravek za štiri tedne nazaj).
Praktično pogledano, za en mesec nazaj dodajo po ~20 smrti na dan.

Še primerjava kako izgleda graf s podatki 21. 12. na Worldometer s podatki na dan 21.12 (modre črte), ter graf za 21.12 s posodobljenimi podatki do 18.1. (oranžne črte).
Sweden 4_5.png
Nazadnje urejeno:


22. jul 2007
Švedi imajo strožje ukrepe kot Slovenija? Bo potrčko pritrčkal nazaj?

  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Matey


22. jul 2007
Iz članka...

Strogost ukrepov (t. i. "Government Stringency Index") v posamezni državi določajo s pomočjo 13 parametrov, in sicer upoštevajo različne stopnje znotraj ukrepov, povezanih z:
- zaprtjem šol,
- zaprtjem delovnih mest,
- prepovedjo javnih prireditev,
- prepovedjo združevanj v javnosti,
- zaprtjem javnega potniškega prometa,
- kampanjami za obveščanje javnosti,
- navodili, naj ljudje ostanejo doma,
- prepovedjo gibanja po državi,
- omejitvijo prehodov meje,
- politiko testiranja,
- politiko sledenja stikom,
- nošenjem maske in
- politiko cepljenja.

Rezultat je pa seštevek vseh ocen
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Matey

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Recimo, če se neko podjetje ali dejavnost ne drži omejitev števial obiskovalcev in ne spoštuje predpisanih zaščitnih ukrepov, ne samo, da lahko podjetje oglobijo, ampak ga tudi zaprejo. Tega recimo pri nas ni...


6. sep 2007
Če je kazen za enak/primerljiv prestopek višja potem IMHO ukrep JE strožji.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Se ne strinjam. Ukrep je primerljiv, le kazen za krsenje ukrepa je visja.

Recimo, da bi mi imeli identicne ukrepe kot Hrvaska, le da bi mi imeli 1000 eur drazje kazni.

Pomeni to, da imamo strozje ukrepe ali strozje kazni?


24. nov 2007
Med tem ko (tradicionalno) modro molcimo o stevilu smrti in prepolnih bolnisnicah v "prijazni" svedski....

Many of Sweden's coronavirus measures are not coercive, meaning people who violate them cannot be sanctioned, but there are several exceptions.

What can you be fined for under Sweden's pandemic law?
Sweden's new pandemic law gives the government power to introduce extra measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus, and if you break these, you could face fines or other legal sanctions.
As of January 19th, the measures introduced under the law mostly applied to businesses rather than individuals. For example, shops, gyms and sports facilities are limited to a maximum of one person per ten square metres of usable space (not shelves or cash registers), and these limits must be stated in risk assessments and advertised on signs at every entrance, and stated in mandatory risk assessments.
See also on The Local:

Venues found to violate these rules may be handed fines by local authorities. Individuals won't be fined if they enter a shop with too many people, but are expected to be aware of the limits and avoid indoor environments with a risk of crowding.
Individuals could face fines if the government introduces certain other measures under the pandemic law. For example, this law gives the government power to limit the number of people who can gather in public places like parks and beaches. It hasn't used this possibility yet, but if it does, individuals who gather in larger numbers could face sanctions.
Are there other coronavirus laws you could be fined for violating?
As well as the pandemic law, you could be fined if you break other laws which relate to the pandemic, including Sweden's Public Order Act or Communicable Diseases Act.
Under the Public Order Act, you could be fined if you organise an event for more than eight people.
Under the Communicable Diseases Act, you could face fines or even jail time if you are found to have infected others with the coronavirus either knowingly or through negligence; the same applies to other socially dangerous diseases such as HIV. You could also face investigation if you do not get tested for the coronavirus even after being repeatedly called for a test, for example via contact tracing.

What are the sanctions?
The Swedish Prosecution Authority has proposed a fixed fine of 2,000 kronor ($240) for any violations of the new pandemic law, including the measures introduced so far and any which are introduced in the future. This fine would be issued by police on the spot, and could be issued to teenagers aged over 15 (the age of legal responsibility in Sweden) as well as adults. This proposal is currently set to come into force on January 27th.
People who organise gatherings of more than eight people in violation of the Public Order Act could face fines or even imprisonment of up to six months. Police also have the power to shut down such gatherings.
Under the Communicable Diseases Act, you could be convicted of assault if you deliberately infect someone else with Covid-19. Fines and jail sentences are also possible if you expose someone to illness through negligence,. This is in practice rare, but in Örebro for example a carer was prosecuted for going to work despite waiting for a Covid-19 test result, which was positive when it came.
Which measures are not legally enforced?
The recommendations (allmänna råd) from Sweden's Public Health Agency are not laws, and there are currently no sanctions for individuals who violate them.

These recommendations include: limit socialising to a small circle of close family and friends; keep a distance from others in public places; work from home if you are able to; stay at home and avoid close contact with others if you have symptoms; avoid non-necessary travel; avoid unnecessary trips to shops and other indoor environments.
These measures do have a basis in law. The Communicable Diseases Act requires everyone in Sweden to "take reasonable precautions to curb the spread of infectious diseases". The recommendations from the Public Health Agency are a way of telling the public which reasonable precautions you should take, but the recommendations leave room for adaptation to individual circumstances.
What about face masks?
Sweden's Public Health Agency recommends wearing a face mask on public transport between the hours 7-9 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays. This is not legally binding, with no sanctions for those violating the recommendation.
Where can I find out more?

EXPLAINED: What you need to know about Sweden's pandemic law (The Local)
The Swedish Public Health Agency (current recommendations, in Swedish)
The Swedish Public Health Agency (current recommendations, in English)
KrisInformation (information from Swedish authorities in a range of languages)


6. sep 2007
Se ne strinjam. Ukrep je primerljiv, le kazen za krsenje ukrepa je visja.

Recimo, da bi mi imeli identicne ukrepe kot Hrvaska, le da bi mi imeli 1000 eur drazje kazni.

Pomeni to, da imamo strozje ukrepe ali strozje kazni?

Odgovor je enak prejšnjemu :p

Navodilo + sankcijo jaz pač združujem kot ukrep :)

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Pri nas nobeen ni dobil kazni, ker je "jedel burek brez maske na prostem", temveč je dobil kazen, ker je burek že zdavnaj pojedel, glumil zajebanega na stopnicah in kljub večkratnim opozorilom ni želel nadeti maske. Pa je fasal. Čisto pravilno.