Covid-19 Cepiva


1. nov 2007
Sicer pa če je to res , so ženske v rodni dobi med 17 in 50 let , katera pa tako ni najbolj ogrožena skupina , če se vsi ostali cepijo pa je itak zagotovljena kolektivna imunost.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

  • The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.

Izbrisan uporabnik #9334

Saj to je peklenska novica o_O !
Nihče se ne bo mogel izgovarjat da niso bili učinki že vnaprej znani in da se skrivajo.

Katastrofa. Ker je virus umetno narejen, pa še na Kitajskem, se da zadevo razumeti kot evgeniko v vsem svojem sijaju. Ne samo sterilnost po cepljenju, celo lasten imunski sistem se odzove uničevalno na placento? In ta efekt pokažejo šele po enem letu?


1. avg 2007
UK je se vedno del EUja in sicer do konca 2020. Posebno dovoljenje, ki ga ima UK, jim dovoljuje, da to naredijo lahko tudi sami in to so naredili ze zdaj, zato lahko oni zacnejo s cepljenjem naslednji teden.

Kolikor sem razumel, delujejo še vedno v okviru EU pravil in ta (menda vsem članicam) dovoljujejo soliranje za izjemne primere in ranljive skupine. Tako da bodo v UK najprej (spet po spominu) cepili starejše - ki so tudi na Alterju prepoznani kot ranljiva in problematična skupina - in s tem prišli v win win situacijo:
  • če bodo zapleti, bo pozitivno za pokojninsko blagajno
  • morebitni zapleti ob rodnosti (glej stran 9) se ne bodo pokazali
  • če bo šlo ok, so pa itak zmagali


18. avg 2007

Znova... Beri
Sej ni tok težko

In kot sem že rekel. Če bi ta problem slučajno povzročalo cepivo, bi ga enako povzročala tudi korona. In kot kaže ga ne


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Sem bral. Poudariti sem hotel, da na to ne opozarja le Pušenjak, ampak tudi npr., v mojem linku zapisani, bivši tehnični direktor Phizerja.


18. avg 2007
Pušenjak se je že opravičil za svojo neumnost in priznal, da je prehitro skočil :zavijazocmi:

In še en text, kjer je zbranih skupaj nekaj neumnosti, vključno s to

Bom kar kopiral
This is a strange one with an unknown origin story. Basically, the claim is that there is a protein subunit on the S-protein that is "homologous" to the syncytin-1 protein that facilitates the development of the placenta. Hypothetically, if the syncytin-1 and SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins were similar or exactly alike, there could be some cross-reactivity of antibodies between the S-protein and the syncytin-1 protein.

This is one of those types of myths that has a tiny plausibility in biology, but in reality, it has zero meaning.

Syncytin-1 is an endogenous retroviral element that is the remnant of a 25 million year ago retroviral infection integrated into old-world primates, including humans. In other words, it was incorporated into our genome as a result of retrovirus infection. As I wrote above, retroviruses can change our DNA.

In case you don't know, the evolution of all organisms includes the incorporation of viral DNA into our genome. Occasionally, these viral genes confer some increased fitness, as in the case of syncytin-1 it becomes a part of placental development. About 8% of the human DNA comes from viruses during our long evolutionary past.

This is where it gets somewhat complicated. Even though coronaviruses are not retroviruses, viruses frequently share similar peptides (which are much smaller than proteins, only containing between 2 and 50 amino acids). There is one small peptide within the syncytin-1 protein that is homologous to one small peptide in the S-protein.

This peptide is called "CP-1", and it contains about 3 amino acids. Syncytin-1 has 538 amino acids. The S-protein contains 510 amino acids. In other words, the CP-1 peptide is a tiny part of the structure of each of those proteins.

The immune system generally doesn't recognize small peptides as antigens, because they are so small and because they are so similar to other peptides. An example of this is insulin – it is a small peptide that is found in almost all animals from crabs to humans. Before we made human insulin, we treated type 1 diabetes with porcine and bovine insulin, and the immune system just thought it was human insulin, despite the differences in the peptides.

But there are three critical points that should be emphasized:

  1. There is simply no published evidence (as far as I could find) that there is some immune cross-reactivity between the S-protein and syncytin-1. Not only is there no evidence, but it's also not plausible that one small 3-peptide part of those two proteins would induce some sort of cross-reactivity.
  2. Women have contracted COVID-19, and there aren't a ton of reports of sudden infertility risks. Remember, the S-protein that is being produced by the mRNA vaccines is the same S-protein in the SARS-CoV-2 virus. If this hypothesis being pushed by anti-vaxxers were true, then it would also be true with "natural" infection.
  3. If I'm totally wrong, and there is some weird cross-reactivity between 3 amino acid peptides, then there's more reason to get the vaccine to prevent an infection.


18. avg 2007
Ja ok, vse je zarota. :zavijazocmi:

Pušenjaka smo prosili za komentar in pojasnil nam je, da se je v svojem odgovoru na Facebooku navezal na sterilnost, ki ko omenja intervjuvanec in ki je "dejansko nekaj drugega kot je sterilnost, ki je omenjena v tekstih pod intervjuji in intervju niti ne omenja beljakovine syncytina-1, le kontekst je povezan. Povezava pa je v bistvu spet ponesrečena. Iskreno v svojem odgovoru nenamenoma intervjuvancu v usta polagam nekaj, česar ni izrekel. Priznam, ampak sem spregledal. Intervjuvanec s sterilnostjo misli na "sterilizrajočo imunost", ki je poseben pojem mere za uspešnost cepiva(v pozitivnem smislu), teksti v linkih pod intervjujem pa govorijo o neplodnosti v zvezi z navzkrižno imunostjo med površinskim antigenom na Sars-cov-2 in syncytinom-1 (hud in daljnosežen stranski učinek)." Pušenjak nadalje izpostavi, da je bil njegov namen le opozoriti na pomembnost ustreznega in tudi časovno zadostnega testiranja cepiva, preden se ga dovoli uporabiti na človeštvu.
Nazadnje urejeno:

Izbrisan uporabnik #9334

Ko te parkrat nategnejo, ni treba veliko da postaneš nezaupljiv.

V 60. letih so ženske jemale Talidomid za lajšanje nosečniških tegob - zelo grdo se je zadeva na koncu izcimila, v glavnem za male povprečne ljudi.

Če je najmanjša možnost za podobne stranske učinke kot jih opisujejo, jo je treba resno vzet.


26. avg 2007
V UK kjer že poteka cepljenje imajo tudi debate o obveznosti.

Fears over new COVID ID cards:

Every Briton will be handed a Covid-19 vaccination ID card proving they have received the jab and urged to keep it with them at all times with Tory MPs today accusing the Government of bringing in an immunity passport by stealth.

Foreign Office minister James Cleverly has said millions of people in the UK will have their lives 'unlocked' by having the coronavirus jab with a card to prove it.

When asked if the cards were passports by another name, Mr Cleverly repeatedly dodged the question but told Sky News that he hoped that they would not be required as a 'ticket' to get into pubs, restaurants or sporting events. He added: 'Ultimately it's about unlocking people's lives and the economy'.


27. avg 2008

dr. Roman Jerala
(dr. kemijskih znanosti, vodja Odseka za sintezno biologijo in imunologijo na Kemijskem inštitutu v Ljubljani.) : ''Trditev o podobnosti proteina S v cepivu s sincicinom je absurdna in popolnoma izmišlena je tudi trditev o vplivu cepljenja na plodnost.''

Ljudje, ki širijo take teorije zarote bi se morali zamisliti, kako velik negativen vpliv lahko imajo glede na trenutno sitacijo.
  • Haha
  • Všeč mi je
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18. avg 2007

Dejva še tole.

Povejmo še, da dr. Yeadon pri Pfizerju ne dela že 9 let (in torej cepiva konkretno ni ne ustvarjal ne sodeloval pri tem). In pa, da je isti dr. Yeadon oktobra trdil, da v UK cepljenje ni potrebno, ker da je epidemije dejansko konec
19. jul 2007
Še problem posredno povezan s cepljenjem, ki se pa bo dejansko pojavil:
"As we start to roll out vaccines, we have to get ready for phantom "side effects". In a large population, thousands of people are going to be diagnosed with serious illnesses, or even die, just in the natural course of things. Not because of the vaccines."
  • Všeč mi je
  • Haha
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