Migranti so že (spet) v Sloveniji - 2. del

Tema ni odprta za nadaljno razpravo.


5. sep 2007
Uporabnik Qshtr pravi:
No, pa dajva še enkrat: njegovih laži je navedenih kar še nekaj.

ime spletne strani

ampak ok....

Vse "lazi" so glede iste zadeve, dobesedno... Enkrat uporabijo njegovo biografijo, drugi, twitter, tretjic whatever.

1—“I am an expert with a PhD in the History of Religions.” – Reza Aslan says this in multiple television interviews
2—His website biography claims that he has a “PhD in the Sociology of Religions.”
3—“I want to respond to that, as the Islamic scholar, and as the person with a PhD in Islam in this conversation…” -Reza Aslan
4—“I have a BA, MA, and PhD in the history of Western Religions, so yes, again, I am an ACTUAL expert in Judaism. Anything else?” -Reza Aslan on Twitter

Njegov profesor je potrdil njegove besede (Reze Aslana). Torej?

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

To kaj nek profesor (ki ni bil njegov profesor, ampak le in zgolj svetovalec), je k. nepomembno, ker je tudi en profesor k. nepomemben. Lahko pa komentiraš spodnji fact, ki je sledljiv v arhivih omenjenih univerz:

Aslan does have four degrees, as Joe Carter has noted: a 1995 B.A. in religion from Santa Clara University, where he was Phi Beta Kappa and wrote his senior thesis on "The Messianic Secret in the Gospel of Mark"; a 1999 Master of Theological Studies from Harvard; a 2002 Master of Fine Arts in Fiction from the University of Iowa; and a 2009 Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

None of these degrees is in history, so Aslan's repeated claims that he has "a Ph.D. in the history of religions" and that he is "a historian" are false. Nor is "professor of religions" what he does "for a living." He is an associate professor in the Creative Writing program at the University of California, Riverside ...

Edino zdaj, če arhivi univerz niso relevantni...

Tukaj pa je izjava še enega stanovskega kolega od tistega tvojega "verodostojnega ter oh in sploh" profesorja (advisorja):

...from other PhDs in his cohort... is that he got the degree from sociology because he couldn't meet the standards of the UCSB Religious Studies Department, where he was originally enrolled, and so his advisor passed him off to a much weaker department "just to get rid of him." Reading the dissertation, I believe it, but ultimately it's on his advisor and committee for approving it.
You note that it has no original research, that's because most of it is basically just copied and pasted (in many cases word for word) from one of his books he published at about the same time.


2. mar 2010
Na današnjem Eu srečanju na Malti, so sprejeli sklep, da gre v primeru zamorcev, ki bežijo v Eu za ekonomske migrante in zanje ne veljajo enake pravice kot za begunce (Sirce, Iračane).

predzadnji odstavek:


"The overwhelming majority of migrants coming to Europe via the central Mediterranean route are economic migrants," the draft "Malta Declaration on External Aspects of Migration", which is also due to be adopted on Friday, states. Thus, says an EU diplomat, they have "neither a claim nor a right to international protection".
Medtem jih Eu idioti z ladjami še vedno pobirajo iz obale Libije in vozijo v Eu.

Kaj točno je je razlika med njimi in tihotapci


8. jan 2008
Uporabnik Ytbnd pravi:
Kaj točno je je razlika med njimi in tihotapci

Tihotapcem morajo migranti plačati prevoz iz svojega žepa.
V drugem primeru pa jim že tudi prevoz častimo evropski davkoplačevalci


22. avg 2011
Še en članek od bivšega učitelja na UCSB:


I used to teach at the University of California at Santa Barbara and I am familiar with the prominent theologians, professors and academic scholars at the school. None of these individuals that I met considered Reza Aslan even remotely close to being a scholar in religion. After all, he received his PhD in sociology . At first, I did not know of Reza Aslan. But when his name was brought up, I asked a director of one the departments at the university – who prefers to remain anonymous – for more information. He stated simply that Reza Aslan is a hungry self-promoter who begs for media attention and appearances, and who repeatedly misrepresents his credentials. He added that it goes without saying that Reza Aslan is laughed at within scholarly circles, and that academics do not consider Reza Aslan even a minor religious scholar.

Njegov "advisor" lahko tut reče, da ima doktorat iz eskimske književnosti, na steno ga ne more obesit. Kot ne more na steno obesit doktorat iz zgodovine verstev.

Aslan je klovn. Pa še šiit menda je... sej veš Taqqija... praviš da je šiitska zadeva.

Ostale njegove laži pa zelo prikladno spregledaš...


5. sep 2007
Uporabnik Gargy pravi:
To kaj nek profesor (ki ni bil njegov profesor, ampak le in zgolj svetovalec), je k. nepomembno, ker je tudi en profesor k. nepomemben. Lahko pa komentiraš spodnji fact, ki je sledljiv v arhivih omenjenih univerz:

Aslan does have four degrees, as Joe Carter has noted: a 1995 B.A. in religion from Santa Clara University, where he was Phi Beta Kappa and wrote his senior thesis on "The Messianic Secret in the Gospel of Mark"; a 1999 Master of Theological Studies from Harvard; a 2002 Master of Fine Arts in Fiction from the University of Iowa; and a 2009 Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

None of these degrees is in history, so Aslan's repeated claims that he has "a Ph.D. in the history of religions" and that he is "a historian" are false. Nor is "professor of religions" what he does "for a living." He is an associate professor in the Creative Writing program at the University of California, Riverside ...

Edino zdaj, če arhivi univerz niso relevantni...

Tukaj pa je izjava še enega stanovskega kolega od tistega tvojega "verodostojnega ter oh in sploh" profesorja (advisorja):

...from other PhDs in his cohort... is that he got the degree from sociology because he couldn't meet the standards of the UCSB Religious Studies Department, where he was originally enrolled, and so his advisor passed him off to a much weaker department "just to get rid of him." Reading the dissertation, I believe it, but ultimately it's on his advisor and committee for approving it.
You note that it has no original research, that's because most of it is basically just copied and pasted (in many cases word for word) from one of his books he published at about the same time.

A zacetek citata si pa spregledal:
My unverified gossip

Torej na eni strani imamo mnenje uradnega profesorja/svetovalca ,ki potrjuje njegove besede.

in na drugi strani imamo:
My unverified gossip

Komu verjeti

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

"uverified gossip" še ne pomeni, da ni res.

Kot tudi trditev nekega advisorja ne pomeni nujno resnice...

Še več, iz arhivov univerz lahko vidimo, da njegov advisor ni ravno "thrustworthy"


5. sep 2007
Torej... citiramo stran katera ima na zgornjem desnem kotu promo Donalda Trumpa... Tole bo zagotovo nekaj inteligentnega...
Pogledamo na spodnji del in vidimo David Horowitz Freedom Center. Po celi strani nacifasticna driska... Med cilji mreze:

1. Identify the enemy and understand his nature
2. Devise ways to attack and neutralize him

FrontPage Magazine (also known as FrontPageMag.com) is an online conservative political website
O really....


5. sep 2007
Uporabnik Gargy pravi:
"uverified gossip" še ne pomeni, da ni res.

Kot tudi trditev nekega advisorja ne pomeni nujno resnice...

Še več, iz arhivov univerz lahko vidimo, da njegov advisor ni ravno "thrustworthy"

Ne, "nepreverjena cenca" ponavadi pomeni da je tekst 100% preverjena resnica... Sploh ce ni znanega vira/avtorja...

Za razliko od tega pa podpisane besede znane osebe (profesorja) zaposlenega v tocno doloceni instituciji pa nekaj pomenijo.

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Nikjer nisem napisal, da je govorica 100% resnična, niti da je 100% laž. Je pa avtor izjave znan, gre za profesorja in sodelavca tvojega "advisorja," ampak potrebno bo malce več vtipkat v Google.

Kar pa vemo, da je 100% laž, pa je trobezlanje tega "advisorja" z stavkom he is who he says he is. Namresč Aslan za sebe pravi, da ima Ph.D. in the history of religions (njegove besede, večkrat izrečene v intervjujih ter njegovi tviti), čeprav tega nikjer ni zabeleženo. Še več, to potrdi ta "advisor" tudi sam.
Tako da, ja, govorica je lahko resnična ali laž, medtem ko vidimo, da je trditev advisorja 100% laž

Na koncu ima "nepreverjena govorica" večjo možnost, da je resnica, kot da bo advisor kredibilen...


22. avg 2011
Če ima Aslan res phd iz history of religions, se laže na svoji spletni strani. Če nima phd iz history of religions, se laže na youtube posnetkih..

V vsakem primeru se laže. Vse ostalo so Easytove buæke.
Nazadnje urejeno:


5. sep 2007
Uporabnik Gargy pravi:
Nikjer nisem napisal, da je govorica 100% resnična, niti da je 100% laž. Je pa avtor izjave znan, gre za profesorja in sodelavca tvojega "advisorja," ampak potrebno bo malce več vtipkat v Google.

Kar pa vemo, da je 100% laž, pa je trobezlanje tega "advisorja" z stavkom he is who he says he is. Namresč Aslan za sebe pravi, da ima Ph.D. in the history of religions (njegove besede, večkrat izrečene v intervjujih ter njegovi tviti), čeprav tega nikjer ni zabeleženo. Še več, to potrdi ta "advisor" tudi sam.
Tako da, ja, govorica je lahko resnična ali laž, medtem ko vidimo, da je trditev advisorja 100% laž

Na koncu ima "nepreverjena govorica" večjo možnost, da je resnica, kot da bo advisor kredibilen...

Vir znan? Really? Avtor clanka pa zapise da vir – who prefers to remain anonymous –

Torej...po nevpreverjenih cencah, nekdo anonimna oseba pravi...... WHATEVER

Avtor clanka naj bi bil dr. Majid Rafizadeh ,ki naceloma nobene veze z Aslanom. Tudi njegovo mnenje na Aslanu ni iz prve roka ali na podlagi osebnih izkusenj.

Clanek se pa pojavi samo na eni odkrito fastiticni strani (FPM). Zelo kredibilne zadeve!


5. sep 2007
Uporabnik Qshtr pravi:
Če ima Aslan res phd iz history of religions, se laže na svoji spletni strani. Če nima phd iz history of religions, se laže na youtube posnetkih..

V vsakem primeru se laže. Vse ostalo so Easytove buæke.

he is a “historian of religion” in the way that that term is used at the Univ of Chicago to cover the field of comparative religion; and his theology degree at Harvard covered Bible and Church history, and required him to master New Testament Greek. So in short, he is who he says he is

Po mnenju profesorja in ustanove.... Se kaj? Obstaja pa se alternativno mnenje na neki spletni strani zelo specificne politicne usmeritve ,ki porocajo da obstajajo nepreverjene cence na podlagi anonimnega vira. O necem...

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Ne, avtor citata ni dr. Majid Rafizadeh in tudi ni pobran iz strani FPM (tudi prvič slišim za njo)

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Uporabnik eazy pravi:
he is a “historian of religion” in the way that that term is used at the Univ of Chicago to cover the field of comparative religion; and his theology degree at Harvard covered Bible and Church history, and required him to master New Testament Greek. So in short, he is who he says he is


None of these degrees is in history, so Aslan's repeated claims that he has "a Ph.D. in the history of religions" and that he is "a historian" are false. Nor is "professor of religions" what he does "for a living." He is an associate professor in the Creative Writing program at the University of California, Riverside ...

Mnenje njegovega advisorja ne šteje, meda ja ne bo v svojo skledo pljuval.

Še kaj? Barvice? Flomastri? Pikice?


22. avg 2011
Easy, še enkrat: Aslan sam za sebe reče da ima phd iz "history of religion" potem pa na svoji lastni spletni strani napiše da ima phd iz "sociology of religion"

Nekje se laže. Rabiš ilustracijo?

Kaj njegov advisor govori je tukaj nepomembno.

Pa do njegovih ostalih laži sploh še prišli nismo.


6. sep 2007
Uuuuu, a se spet kar tako malo slikice lepi? Jaz imam tudi eno

Tema ni odprta za nadaljno razpravo.